A.k.a. Greenybeanymeany Grow #2

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DGF you should never use cardboard to prop up a plant :rofl: partition your grow area with it, and just forget that it's there. use it in the right place and it works great. never place it touching floor. in my greenhouse, i had it flooded by rain water so many times, on the floor below my res is a 1" styrofoam the res is holding like a champ under harsh conditions for 3 years now, don't see it going bad anytime soon. i don't see why you would never recommend cardboard to partition a grow area. i have seen nothing but advantages in that domain.
there... I know it's mind blowing but it's real. A greenhouse hydro system growing tomatoes cukes and peppers. as you see the rows are cardboard and duct tape lined with polyethylene plastic, being flooded and drained... the plants don't mind the cardboard or the cheap system, they only care to get all the nourishment possible.
That is pretty cool, doesn't look nice or anything, but it obviously works for you, and that is all that really matters.
....don't use cardboard....

If you build something, build it correctly. :squint:

......cardboard... :rofl:

Ok, you can go back ghetto if you want, but if you do you be on your own my friend hah :) I don't get involved in ghetto applications, hence me trying desperately to get you OUT of a ghetto situation. You're just about there, don't fall back now!

Most important things right now, in order:

-Tent that fits (or make a space. To do this properly costs MORE than a tent, I freaking promise you.)
-Ventilation (this goes hand in hand with top one.. need these together)
-Light (you can go a bit with loss of reflection from just ONE wall, and be fine. Get another light later)

Random thought. I built a box once, for $100.00. I bought ALL the stuff at home depot. As a matter of fact, if you go to the end of "Grow Journal of a Cannabinoid Android" you'll see this box :aok: I built this just for drying.... It has trays I built with screens I built into them. Small hole in top and bottom, with 1 fan in top to help vent it out. I did so much to this thing, and proudly posted it. Then got warnings from a couple to NOT use it. You see, I didn't consider my wood before I did this because it didn't cross my mind. I ended up using plywood for the walls and wood to make the drawers that had been chemically treated. You see, I bought the cheapest stuff I could, so I could make the best thing I could for the cheapest price. Did it come out good? YEP!!! But as soon as I learned the harmful "off gasing" of the bad wood will leach into the flowers during drying and really make it unhealthy...I realized I was looking at $100.00 of uselessness. 2 years later this thing still stands in my garage doing NOTHING. I ended up doing what I originally wanted to do; I purchased a 2x2x7 tent JUST for drying... $75. It had all the hanging areas, and access and ports for vent or no vent.. however much you want to control.. ALL IN ONE READY TO GO. For $25.00 less and 4 hours less of time. (Yep, it took me 4 hours to build that box)

So here I am right now, considering either buying a larger tent for my two flowering spaces, or building a room. Cheaper to get a tent, as we found out from the "box incident" but more customizable and more options to building a room. I can make it air tight, install a mini split A/C in a newly built wall, etc etc. But you bet your buns, if I do make a room I would cheap out! :)

Sure, sinking money into this sucks. Have you already sunk more than I expected? YEP! You took right to this, like a new baby to milk. You're on track, don't get frustrated. Make sound purchases, and keep your wits about you. NO need to hurry! :aok:
Lol I'm not, don't worry. I'm still trying to figure out what to get, tentwise, but unfortunately a few other bills popped in, so I have to wait a few more days and make sure I'm safe to spend the cash lol. I'll reply better later. 8 mins til I gotta be at work lol
Glad you took the time to post your adventures on making a box, because I was considering going that route. But I suppose it wouldnt be a good idea. I was also looking into DIY tents, and the ideas I found sounded like they would look terrible. So I am for sure buying another tent.I also started wondering if I were to buy another tent, the exact same as the one I already bought, if I could somehow coming them to make a 2x2x8 lol. I think I could zip them together but I would have to use scissors on the back and something to block the bit of light leak.
I think regardless, I am going to have to figure out a new spot. There's not really many spots to choose from, unless I put a tent out in the open in a room. I didn't take into account that even with my two foot tent I can only open the door on the side with the tent.. Overlapping sliding doors. So I may just go for the 3x3 for now. Still debating it
Alright.. I measured distance, from the highest top to the light. It measured in at 16" from the light. So removed one clip and I have it 18.5" from the top. I am going to do some finagling to raise the light even more. I have a few (safe) ideas in mind.

Another update.. After adjusting the light, I chopped it down to 8 stalks, I may even remove one more, which certainly did some cleaning out.

Now here's the pictures. I'm sure I didn't, but I hope I didn't go overboard.

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That... looks.. AWESOME!!

You get an A+ :banana:
No lies, 100% great job. Keep it at 8 right now. As far as height, I'm finding these Mars to not be QUITE as powerful as I anticipated. Bad thing? Absolutely not, just learning. I'm able to keep it 10" from my closests top... not a bit of bleaching. I would stop worrying about height in that veg tent with that plant and light for a while. I'd say you're SAFE to go closer to 14" or even a little less.. but let's put your "safe number" to like 14" :aok:

Seriously, great work on the cutting. Notice the shape you're working on now?! Great job on getting pics of top, angle, side etc. You've improved 200% in this thread from start to finish! :D
Now.. this is soil, and I could never fully understand it (clawing) So, let's see. I'm almost positive that plant will need transplant after it recovers from the cutting you did. The "clawing" down is either over water or root binding. I've found, in my last parts of soil experiments that 99% of the time it just wanted a larger home.

Let's get it a REAL good final pot to transplant it in, cool beans? :) That won't be much cost, so don't fear!!!! haahaha But I would transplant as soon as you could. I think she's ready for her final home pot officially :aok:
You want one with REAL GOOD AERATION in the root zone. I've heard people swear by Smart Pots, and since you watch this thing like a hawk I think you'd do realllll good in one! Let's get you a BIG one hah... I mean, not too big though. I'll research it up. But anyways, Smart Pots require more watering, but this means you get more "wet / dry cycles" out of your medium. MJ loves that!

That... looks.. AWESOME!!

You get an A+ :banana:
No lies, 100% great job.

Seriously, great work on the cutting. Notice the shape you're working on now?! Great job on getting pics of top, angle, side etc. You've improved 200% in this thread from start to finish! :D

Thank you! I definitely see the shape.

I figured I was going overboard with pictures, but I want it to be viewed as closely to how I can see it as possible. I usually snap about 10 pictures when I am wanting to update here, and I usually select 3-5. Lol.

And I've only improved because of your help. You somehow sparked my motivation to really get moving on solid ground. Not to mention, you've given me solid advice since your very first post.

Keep it at 8 right now. As far as height, I'm finding these Mars to not be QUITE as powerful as I anticipated. Bad thing? Absolutely not, just learning. I'm able to keep it 10" from my closests top... not a bit of bleaching. I would stop worrying about height in that veg tent with that plant and light for a while. I'd say you're SAFE to go closer to 14" or even a little less.. but let's put your "safe number" to like 14" :aok:

Lol sounds great. I believe their website says 18-24" in veg, and 12-16" in flower. And if what I have read is correct, the distance seems to mostly be about the mixture in the spectrum.

I'm still don't fully understand, and I'm probably off on this, but when it says 90°/120° I start imagining different color light beams (strategically)shining at different angles, and they mix to form more different spectrums at different heights. It makes since in my head, whether that is accurate or not lol.

I intended to stick to their guidelines on light height for veg and flower. I assume they have done testing on their lights to know what's best.

But your experience definitely will keep me from stressing on the height so bad lol. I'm still in a rush for a tent, but I feel less pressure now lmao.

Speaking of a tent. I'm still actively looking. I thought I found the closest thing to perfect I could find.
It is, 36x20x64.

Downsides, obviously, that's even farther from the 7' you recommend. And I was thinking to myself, well this tent is around 70 bucks, I'll just buy it, and hope like hell I can contain the plant in it, and if not, buy another one later..

But the other downside caught me at last minute.. It wasn't made from mylar, it said aluminum foil..

I've read a lot to avoid it because of hot spots.

I'll link it in just a minute. I may just go the 3x3x6 route.

Now.. this is soil, and I could never fully understand it (clawing) So, let's see. I'm almost positive that plant will need transplant after it recovers from the cutting you did. The "clawing" down is either over water or root binding. I've found, in my last parts of soil experiments that 99% of the time it just wanted a larger home.

Let's get it a REAL good final pot to transplant it in, cool beans? :) That won't be much cost, so don't fear!!!! haahaha But I would transplant as soon as you could. I think she's ready for her final home pot officially :aok:
You want one with REAL GOOD AERATION in the root zone. I've heard people swear by Smart Pots, and since you watch this thing like a hawk I think you'd do realllll good in one! Let's get you a BIG one hah... I mean, not too big though. I'll research it up. But anyways, Smart Pots require more watering, but this means you get more "wet / dry cycles" out of your medium. MJ loves that!

I think root binding is the answer. I said before that the pot had no size on it, and that my guess was 1.5-2 gal, and I'm really starting to lean towards it being 1gal. I had actually looked underneath the pot to see if I had any roots sticking out, and I sure do.

I've also been looking at more soil too. So I'll probably just go ahead and get a 5 gal smart pot and some FF Light warrior. And I can mix that and my ocean forest like I've seen that a bunch of people are doing.

Then I need to get my tent, ventilation stuff, and some flowering nutes, because I'm getting really ready for the flip.
I figured I was going overboard with pictures, but I want it to be viewed as closely to how I can see it as possible. I usually snap about 10 pictures when I am wanting to update here, and I usually select 3-5. Lol.

You can never go overboard with pics :aok: And I like the "photographer mentality" you're having with the approach. Good stuff :)

Lol sounds great. I believe their website says 18-24" in veg, and 12-16" in flower. And if what I have read is correct, the distance seems to mostly be about the mixture in the spectrum. I still don't fully understand, and I'm probably off on this, but when it says 90°/120° I start imagining different color light beams (strategically)shining at different angles, and they mix to form more different spectrums at different heights. It makes since in my head, whether that is accurate or not lol.

You are correct, and I have not vegged from young too much with them yet. But yes, it's all about the "blending" of the proper spectrum... I think there's still a bit of wiggle room with the Mars.

I assume they have done testing on their lights to know what's best.

The chinese don't usually grow, if I'm correct. All their testing, is with meters and checking peoples logs that purchase their stuff. PJ may know more about this than I but this is my thought process currently :aok:

It is, 36x20x64.


It wasn't made from mylar, it said aluminum foil

What the FAWK?! Runnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Aluminum is good for cooking on the grill.....that's it. :rofl:

I may just go the 3x3x6 route.

No....not with LED's and if so, you're going to grow very small plants and train like crazy. I wish PJ would dip in here.. I may chime him in and see if he could help on this part.

I'm really starting to lean towards it being 1gal.

Yeah, that's tiny. Transplant asap.. I'd say 36-48 hours from the time you trimmed, earliest you should do it. It may be fine to do immediately...I believe I trim my plants down when I transplant yeah! Sorry, stoner moment. And then, I almost didn't say "stoner moment" because I was typing in a public forum....then realized it was a weed forum...so now wrote all those freaking words. I'm still writing them.....

.....stop me....

:rofl: :rofl:

I've also been looking at more soil too. So I'll probably just go ahead and get a 5 gal smart pot and some FF Light warrior. And I can mix that and my ocean forest like I've seen that a bunch of people are doing.

Then I need to get my tent, ventilation stuff, and some flowering nutes, because I'm getting really ready for the flip.

Yeah, sounding about right. Ventilation man, you need that so badly.. and a new tent. Shoot!!!! Tell the wife to get out the "emergency funds" and get to it!! hah :)
Funny...just saw your "air holes" (bwahhahahaha) on the bottom of that *cough* .... pot.

:D Ohhh I'm razin' the sheet out of you! :rofl:
You can never go overboard with pics :aok: And I like the "photographer mentality" you're having with the approach. Good stuff :)

Lol, truth be told, overboard or not, I am still going picture crazy. Haha.

But yes, it's all about the "blending" of the proper spectrum... I think there's still a bit of wiggle room with the Mars.

The chinese don't usually grow, if I'm correct. All their testing, is with meters and checking peoples logs that purchase their stuff.

Ah, I see, that would make sense.


What the FAWK?! Runnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Aluminum is good for cooking on the grill.....that's it. :rofl:

My thoughts exactly!

No....not with LED's and if so, you're going to grow very small plants and train like crazy.

True.. I really wish I could find a 2x2x7.

No worries. Soil and smart pot are on their way. Smart pot will be here tomorrow, I'm not too sure when my soil will get here, but regardless

Ventilation is high on my list!
Funny...just saw your "air holes" (bwahhahahaha) on the bottom of that *cough* .... pot.

:D Ohhh I'm razin' the sheet out of you! :rofl:
Lol I went a bit overboard. The pot didn't have drainage holes at all.. So I thought. So I punctures a bunch of holes. And then I discovered the 3 holes that needed mmi
No no no... you went a bit UNDERboard!

That's not nearly enough aeration ;)
Or should I say, it's not quite enough... "nearly" wouldn't be proper, as you do have enough....technically

The pots ment for growing real stuff have nice holes on the bottom, like the one in the picture. BUT, let's get you in a Smart Pot I think. Tons of Aeration, and since it will dry out faster, you'll have to water a bit more... which you will enjoy on such a small op and the fact you like to touch your girl :)

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