A 1st time growing experience.

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May 15, 2008
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Hello everybody, I've been an avid reader of the forums, any guides I can find and have always wanted to get a little hands on experience. I germinated some bagseed mids and ended up with 2 strong seedlings. I put them into 2 liter cutout bottles with some medium I found outside in the woods. This growing medium has lots of diff mixtures of soils in it because it was once a pile of composted matter. Years later it sems to be very fertile so I deceided to give it a try. I "sterilized" it by heating it in the microwave until it was too hot to the touch. This killed off any insects that were in the soil. From then on I kept them under a weak 15 w flouro for the first 3-4 days till I acquired a 70w hps. Its been since May 8th that the seedlings sprouted. After getting the HPS, I chose the spot in my closet and went to work. The area is roughly 2 x 2 at most and has white walls. I had to use some tinfoil(dull side out of course) to line the inside of my secret "door". Im going to buy some mylar soon but anywho, there are boxes under the plants so that when they grow I can remove the boxes according to height and not have to move my light. This is my first time ever with this stuff and its allot of fun. I attached some pics of how its looking right now. After adding the HPS the leaves started to really pop out compared to the flouro which was doing barely anything. I experimented with "pinching" on one of the plants but it seemed to stress it out a little. As for now Im hoping at least one turns to female but if not its ok because Im just here to learn as I go. This is basicly a "get a feel for it" kind of project, having plans for later on to do something better. Well enuff said, here are some pics, Hope you like the crude setup!

Also this link has a few photos of the plants from 1 day ago including a picture of the bagweed it was taken from. (good skunky midgrades)




FanVentIn copy.jpg







hm pretty simple u mind if i nab a few ideas :D

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