Everything is looking great 85C. Starting to look like a jungle in your grow area and there is nothing wrong with that. Your doing a great job mang keep it up. :aok:
That crazy vancouver guy said:hey bliss... I hope you took clones of your plants before you put them in flower?!?... that way, if your babies turn out to be wicked weed, u will have the strain to continue without having to rely on seedlings (sex).
imsoborednow said:The plants max out on about 50,000 Lumens if you gave em any more than that you'd start to harm em..........
Question: im keeping mines at 3''-2'' even 1'' from glass (425w hps( and tops temps at 77-81 is that bad for them? i thought that as you can keep temps low its ok to keep the light as closer possible so the lower buds can receive some more.would be better if i raise light at 8'' even if my temps are good?imsoborednow said:The plants max out on about 50,000 Lumens if you gave em any more than that you'd start to harm em..........
Thats all.......
If your running a 250 w halide then the closest you wanna get is 6", that is if you can control the heat.....:evil: