2nd Journal! 15 lovely green ladies

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There is a reason why they are called booster fans.

I was using the psi, for understanding purposes.
I see that now heh. When I picked them up the packaging they were in was pretty vague as to what the actual use for them was. It didn't say booster fan anywhere on the package it just said " 8" inline duct fan". The clerk asked me if I was using it in my house, to which i replied yes, so I would imagine he assumed that since i picked up flex duct at the same time I was just routing air from another area inside my house and boosting the flow.

I get a bit gung-ho and go overboard without thinking sometimes when i get excited about something and the concept of a new grow room kinda blinded me. So when I think i'm doing something that could save me in the long run about 50% of the time I end up essentially shooting myself in the foot. It's great for learning though. The harsher the mistake the less likely I'll be to revisit the actions that caused it.
They really will not be adequate to cool 1000W lights either. It really is almost fraud (IMO) for HTG to sell these as a unit with a filter when they absolutely have to know that this type of fan is grossly inadequate for the purpose they are selling it for.

If it makes you feel any better, most of us that have been growing for any amount of time have a storeroom of equipment that we either outgrew or was ill-purchased.
Haha... These booster fans really are good for nothing pretty much huh...

I had a makeshift cooling system for my lights rigged up before. I taped one of those little honeywell stand fans to a piece of ducting and just ran it into the light, it worked like a charm.

It does make me feel a bit better to again realize everyone started in the same place and similar mistakes have been made by others.

So once I get a new fan I guess i'm just gonna leave the one booster on the exhaust line and add the new fan to the other side of it unless you think I should just remove both of them and go with one good fan on each line or a good exhaust line and a passive intake.
I would remove the booster fans on both intake and exhaust and just get a centrifugal fan(like a Vortex fan) for the exhaust. If the temps were to high I would then think about a fan for the intake.
Ok, I'll just have to in that case figure out what i'm gonna do in regards to cooling the lights
Place your vortex or similar centrifugal fan on your exhaust where you have that booster fan. Then run flexible duct work to a/c hood then to a carbon filter.
So I decided which fan I'm gonna pick up, a stealth 745 CFM 8 Inch Centrifugal Inline Fan. That ought to do the job right!
it will do the job, but do you have access to 8 inch duct, and do you have a air cooled light? if so 8 inch fan will be good, but if you have 6 in lights get a 6 inch fan
I have all 8" ducting and an air cooled light. the port on the lights is 6" but i can just get an adapter for the size difference to attach it to the first light. Once I get a second a/c shade i'll just run the 6" ducting from one light to the other. The 6" fan is also only 435cfm as opposed to 745cfm, so with 2 shades and a filter I would imagine the bigger the better in regards to 6/8"
I find I have a lot easier time cooling 2 lights if I run the venting in parallel rather than running it is series. In parallel, both lights have cool air being drawn over them. In series, the second light has the heat from the first light and the air is quite a bit warmer--maybe 10-20 degrees.

I would go with the larger fan. Make sure you also buy a speed controller.
Yea i'm gonna take the 8" fan. I found one I can get shipped to me for $113, i'll just have to pick it up over the border to avoid duty and shipping charges, Or I can pick it up locally from where I get everything else for $144. In the long run with fuel it'd probably work out even to buy it here.

And for running it in parallel, I can get a duct splitter to make that work easier so i don't need a second fan. That way maybe I can still make use of one of the boosters since 2 separate lines in parallel will probably lower the cfm a fair amount. But you're right in series the second light wouldn't really be getting cooled very much.
So i decided that I was gonna figure out how much heat my ballasts and lights would add into my space, When left off the temperature got down to about 46 F/52% humidity
With the 2 1kw lights on it jumped up 33 degrees to 79 F/30% Humidity. After picking up the new cent. fan I decided to wire up the boosters to just test them as light cooling fans, and It actually works perfectly. The one booster alone creates enough airflow to consistently cool my 1 A/C hood.

I also Just started germing 5 of my beans :) Arjan's Strawberry Haze fems! Here we go!
When left off the temperature got down to about 46 F/52% humidity
Wow you keep it cold in there. Is the temp gonna go up this summer? If so you might need the inline after all. You gonna start a journal for those Strawberries?
I dont have much choice for temperatures in there with lights off right now, summertime will warm up though and i'll end up needing an air con i'm sure.

Until I insulate and seal off the window it'll continue to be chilly until the weather picks up.

This thread is my journal for those :p I'm still waiting on 2 more strains for all 15 though, i'll be getting them hopefully on tuesday.

These Arjan's Strawberry Haze are Green House Seed Co.

I'll post some pictures once I get my seedlings into some rockwool!
you can get a portable oil furnace that works great inside a grow room!!! the less of a temp swing from AM/PM the better your crop will be, big temp swings cause fluffy buds..fyi....i keep my rooms 68-76....!

PartyBro420 said:
I dont have much choice for temperatures in there with lights off right now, summertime will warm up though and i'll end up needing an air con i'm sure.

Until I insulate and seal off the window it'll continue to be chilly until the weather picks up.

This thread is my journal for those :p I'm still waiting on 2 more strains for all 15 though, i'll be getting them hopefully on tuesday.

These Arjan's Strawberry Haze are Green House Seed Co.

I'll post some pictures once I get my seedlings into some rockwool!
This thread is my journal for those :p

lol omg after readin thru the thread I forgot it was in journals I thought it was a thread about fans lol
read this and the other parts (right colum links) of Ventilation explained. itll teach you everything you need to know and why your booster fans wont work right, ect...

part 2 shows best way to run your lights/fan also
Kushluvr said:
you can get a portable oil furnace that works great inside a grow room!!! the less of a temp swing from AM/PM the better your crop will be, big temp swings cause fluffy buds..fyi....i keep my rooms 68-76....!

I'll only need that once next fall/winter rolls around, but yea i'll be getting some sort of heater for those months for when i'm not keeping lights on 24/7. When the lights are on though it's a good temperature when it's cold outside, so cooling during the summer will probably be a bigger problem.

I know the booster fans won't work adequately for ventilation, i'm not using them for it.

One of them is cooling the single A/C shade i've got it attached to just fine though. I'm not gonna use it to cool two lights.

I know what I need to do for ventilation to work, and how to run it all now. But no matter what anyone says now, I KNOW that booster is cooling that single shade like a champion, I watched it all day off and on. It pushes a good amount of air through.

That link is kind of misleading in my opinion. according to it's calculations I'd need a minimum of 213 CFM of ventilation for my growspace as it is (a/c, carbon filter, and co2 accounted for), and those boosters each pull 210 cfm stale air and 500 already moving according to their ratings. I'm still gonna use the 745cfm centrifugal fan but, that link didn't seem to clear anything up... It also doesn't tell you what size fans to use in it's light set ups. Maybe I missed it or something but shouldn't it tell you how much reduction you're getting from certain lengths of duct, as well as a/c hoods, bends etc? rather than adding %'s to what you're minimum cfm has to be if you have certain things hooked up.

I mean like, how could a 213cfm ventilation system actually work with 1 a/c hood, a carbon filter, and about 6 feet of duct? much less adding only an additional 5% for another hood?
have you turned on the centrifugal yet? when you do you'll see what everyone is talkin bout. its like the difference between a single prop airplane and a jet engine.

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