Whole lotta love going into your grow F'.
Nice work and it is gonna pay off real soon.
Side bar on your lights, my understanding is that MH bulbs are as good for veg phase, as hps is for bloom. However a little extra 'blue' light in last week or two is also beneficial for finishing (mix of hps n mh?!)
I'm all LED (no switches) so can't confirm but had access to a horticulture course which stated plant requirements (as generally known) but added that a little extra blue will boost tricome production in last days of plants flower cycle.
Maybe worth looking into since you appear to have all the lights on hand.
I feel you with the fungus gnats, had them in during my first grow (this last uk summer) and what a bugger those things can be. I am 100% organic too but went with fly paper for adults, a lid for the soil to stop them returning(used tge white vynal from hydro shop cut to fit pots) and a fine top layer of cinnamon to treat the fungus in the soil. Worked a treat,. I have an occasional sighting but 99% are away.
Keep the details coming.