2 feminised plants

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Yes these are egg shells. Hahahaha put an autpmatic bird trap. U can catch alot of birds not only one. I made it 2 years ago and it was fun
Wassap all, i was waiting the shop that i buy from to bring perlite to transplant the plants to a bugger pot he said that now he can get only coco-peat. It will give a good drainage and aerate the soil?
I want to mix it with soil 50/50. Its hard to get perlite here...
Amazon has coarse perlite
The problem is that he told he that he can get perlite so i threw the seeds, now i dont have time anymore to wait for shipping...
Hey Shot, I have grown with just coco before, it just means watering will be less frequent but still more frequent than soil if that helps. Perlite is good though. Does he have different grades of coco? You might be able to add some of the coco chips with the finer stuff to help with faster drainage if all else fails.
Sorry i read that wrong. Coco will give you good drainage but I'm not sure if it's advisable to mix with soil as they both require different ph levels. Perlite mixes well with soul though.
Idk maybe i will just plant with coco, the important thing for me is good aeration and drainage. Thanks watter
Shot i just got some soil in a bag that is coco based and I really like it. I guess one deal with coco is that it has to be washed/rinsed really good as it has salt?. Anyway, i always have made my own dirt and used fox farm for the base, but I like this coco better, I think. I know you don't have the soil where you are, just my 2 cents about coco..

Have fun! If you don't have fun your pot doesn't turn out. Ya know, like me last summer, i didn't have fun and looked what happened.
Idk maybe i will just plant with coco, the important thing for me is good aeration and drainage. Thanks watter

Maybe pound lava rock into small pieces sift out the dust?
Don't know if its good but it'll do the same job as perlite.
Shot I suggest that you get some perlite from another place, any plant care nursery, places who sell house plants and such, have it. coco peat needs hydro ferts, ph ec and what else, it will be troublesome. get perlite, flush it very well then mix it with good soil, GOOD soil, buy a ready made bag of soil from the same nursery where you find perlite, and not from the retard who doesn't have it. Ask for thge better soil, it will be 2$ more, pay them, you will not regret it
There is 1 garden shop left i should ask. If he doesnt have it then no way to get it here.
Rosie i will if i didnt find perlite thanks for your infos dudette
What the hell... lava rocks... its a good idea u tried it screwdriver?
Zem hope i can find that perlite omg in this place choices are really limited... sometimes garden shops dont know anyhing about PH i'm a poor man here :p
I have used lavarocks in the past. They work. You have to really rinse them or you get a terrible mess.
No, I have never tried lava rocks. Just thinking as I walked past somebody's landscaping with lava rocks. Perlite is much better. Don't use the ones out of the grill with barbeque sauce burned all over them.
Hey Shot :) Plants looking good and pampered. You know what, if you really find it that hard to get a bag of perlite, there are other alternatives, one being, since you are roaming the woods, you could begin gathering tree bark, clean it as much as possible and add it to the soil to make it more airy. Another way is to get floral foam cubes from flower shops, use a sharp knife and cut it into 1/2 inch small cubes without squeezing them and mix with the soil. There are also some decorative rock that is like lava rock or expanded clay that is also sold at flower shops for decoration. The point is to make your soil airy, tree bark works great until it breaks down. a small amount of gravel helps
Ohhh floral foam are easy to get here! I will get some soon ;) thanks dudeeeeee
That is nice Shot, it looks like you will get something in return, best luck

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