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  1. Professor bongwater

    Stoney's 16oz Hydro Grow. Had to transplant it.

    WOW!! I can never get my camera to focus on those close up shots. If I had friends that small, I would be scared of stepping on them...
  2. Professor bongwater

    It's been great here but I must move on.

    Thank You Insane!!! If you do not agree with the above message. You are a part of the problem!! Thanks Prof.
  3. Professor bongwater

    Medical cultivation limits in California?

    That is what one would assume. I think we all know what assuming can lead to. I would love to find some documentation of such a claim... Until then, I will assume nothing!! Thanks for all of the input. Prof.
  4. Professor bongwater

    Now what....!

    As some here may know, I am (as some people call it) "legal", as California is concerned anyway. Someone has just broken into my house. Now that he is unconscious and duct taped to my chair, do I need to hide the girls before I call the police like any other law abiding citizen or should I have...
  5. Professor bongwater

    It's been great here but I must move on.

    I for one have a real problem speaking without cussing. I could (and sometimes do) literally swear every other word. But that is something I recognize, and therefore I am attempting to change my speech. As for typing I have no problems communicating without swearing, so I prefer to type. I...
  6. Professor bongwater

    Medical cultivation limits in California?

    Do you have a link that explains the details. I have heard a few people say the same thing. Only I have yet to see anything in writing about 6 & 12. Thanks for the input, Prof.
  7. Professor bongwater

    Chuck Liddell Stay Out of My Medicine Cabinet!!!!

    Hey Hick, Are you sure it wasn't the Weedies that you was feelin'? I love me a big bowl of Weedies! How about you? Prof.
  8. Professor bongwater

    cutting off lower branch to make bigger buds

    I sent you a PM, I hope it helps.
  9. Professor bongwater

    Chuck Liddell Stay Out of My Medicine Cabinet!!!!

    WOW, and they say that all of those big shots to the head have no effect on him!!! He sounds like Ozzy Osborne.
  10. Professor bongwater

    Found 30+ plants in forest!

    That would be a YES! How old are you? :baby: NO! You just might be able to sell this stuff to your friends! After all you fell for it once and as they say "Birds of a feather flock together". :aok: Man I bet you was sweating bullets on the drive home too, wasn't you. Thanks for the laugh...
  11. Professor bongwater

    Seeding before flowering?

    Thanks Hick, I have some girls in veg. that appear to be looking a little like guinea pigs. It seems like a good idea anyway. Only time will tell! Prof.
  12. Professor bongwater

    Will this soil kill my plants?

    I have a bag of that in my garage. I was not impressed with the performance of this soil. It's 50% composted tree bark the rest is peat moss, poultry litter and an organic wetting agent. This soil contains NO PERLITE and it should not be used without perlite IMHO. Mix it with 50% perlite (by...
  13. Professor bongwater


    WOW, TBG you sure do know how to get our attention... LOL For some good old fashion humar... dial 1-888-JOKE-PDQ Prof.
  14. Professor bongwater

    Howdy ya'll

    :welcome: :48:
  15. Professor bongwater

    Seeding before flowering?

    Just a thought, I had just hit the nightcap when all in the sudden, I had this crazy thought (imagine that). O.K here it goes. I have had plants outdoors that had been pollinated early in the year and they produced seeds on the main stem before full on flowering took place. So I can't help but...
  16. Professor bongwater

    Calling all Connoisseurs....

    As far as the G13 X Hash plant. I am only going by what I read, I honestly don't know if it's the real thing or not. Here is one add.....
  17. Professor bongwater


    It's to bad you could not have added Stalin to the mix. Although, you guys should have known that Stalin would have produced small balls. Cheers Prof.
  18. Professor bongwater

    Calling all Connoisseurs....

    Well, I must be in the wrong place. I thought there was some connoisseurs here.... Thanks for the reply fellas! I have been looking into my next crop and G13 X Hash plant has been on my to do list for some time now. Northern berry sounds good too. I am flowering blueberry now and I am liking...
  19. Professor bongwater

    Calling all Connoisseurs....

    I know we all have been exposed to some very impressing stuff. But my question is this, what bud has impressed you the most? For me it is hard to pick just one. But I would have to say in the Indica category it would have to be Black Domina! Cheers Prof. :48: