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  1. C

    The Captian's Log

    Wow, what changes since my last post. I had a rash of horrible luck as an unknown plant contagion killed off a huge number of my girls. I took the time to rebuild my setup. Since I moved anyway it seemed a good idea. My new setup is as follows: Grow Lab 80 (3x3X5) Sun systems 400 Watt HPS 188...
  2. C

    Ugg...problems with bugs......

    This is for medicinal use, should I look for organic insecticides or anything special. Perhaps some indication of half life?
  3. C

    Ugg...problems with bugs......

    Hmm, I am gonna try this using some scotch bonnets and see how it goes:hubba:
  4. C

    Ugg...problems with bugs......

    I failed to mention that she has is about two weeks into flower, I am thinking about siccing some lady bugs on em.
  5. C

    Ugg...problems with bugs......

    WHEN ANSWERING, PLEASE POST THE ENTIRE QUESTION AND ANSWER FOR EASE OF READING. 1. How tall are your plants now? 27.5 inches 2. How far from the lights are the tops of your plants? Is this a constant distance or have you changed it recently? Constant's the sun 3. How...
  6. C

    The Captian's Log

    Finally all settled into the new place and have time to update the log... I have 6 girls outside on my deck in full bloom. A mix of sour D, blue cheese, dream queen, jack flash and grapefruit d. They are looking lovely except from some thus far undiagnosed pest issue. I am also having a issue...
  7. C

    The Captian's Log

    The move was hectic and 4 girls were lost. No internet yet so I am posting this froM my bb. Pics to follow when access is installed. CK
  8. C

    The Captian's Log!:holysheep:
  9. C

    The Captian's Log

    Part 3
  10. C

    The Captian's Log

    Part 2
  11. C

    The Captian's Log

    Well, like I promised, here are updated pix of the girls. They had a nice feeding of week 2 strength nutes, FF grow big and big bloom. The dream queen cant seem to get enough nutes, every feeding she jumps another half inch in height and width. The cheese is thus far the most delicate of the...
  12. C

    DWC ??'s

    I have been warned about making sure to either glue or weigh down the airstones, actually from a vid I found on this site a while back. I am worried about nute temps with the summer...I have a feeling its gonna be long and hot, exactly what I woulda been hoping for if I was still growing...
  13. C

    The Captian's Log

    Thanks Hamster. I will post some new pics after the move this weekend. CK
  14. C

    DWC ??'s

    I understand using clones because, obviously, trying to detangle a single male from your system would be a major PITA and forgive my ignorance but why does strain make a difference? I have been thinking about using individual buckets but fear I wont have enough room for more than four in my...
  15. C

    DWC ??'s

    Okay, so I have done hours of research on Hydro, there is one question I have. How do you keep a the roots of the plants from growing together and becoming too tangled to remove from the net pot in a multi site DWC setup? DWC does appeal to me, but I can imagine the problems you could have...
  16. C

    The Captian's Log

    Quik update before I head to the local Dispensary: The girls seen in the third pic are in my "sick bay" because they were previously outdoor girls that were discovered by the orkin man. They went through some bad shock in the adjustment which was compounded by a MASSIVE ph swing in the soil. I...
  17. C

    The Captian's Log

    lol, glad you caught that one. Even though I am a bigger fan of ST: NG, I still pay tribute to the original. My SN is from a short story I wrote about a sci-fi group of cannabis explorers called " Bud Trek", it was just a silly story so I took the name from it's male protaganist, the one and...
  18. C

    Hey All

    Thanks Hamster, I added pics to the captian's log if you want to check it out. CK
  19. C

    The Captian's Log

    Okay, so this is the deal...I am a medical grower with stage 1 MS. I am using cannabis under the guidance of my physician, as prescribed by my local laws. I am lucky enough to live in a state that allows for medicinal use and therefore exercise my right to grow the lovely, sacred cannabis plant...
  20. C

    Hey All

    Thanks for the welcome pharmer, seems like a good place so far. Threw a journal up of whats goin right now.