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  1. J

    why are seeds legal?

    even if they are known to be marijuana plant seeds.
  2. J

    how do you regulate humidity?

    i am growing indoor and have watched videos on humidity but don't know really how to regulate it. 1. is it synonymous with AC or Heat?
  3. J

    would you rather have cops go by personal beliefs, and experience or the law?

    like there are good cops out there that get it, and won't bust you for less than like an ounce. this is an example of them going by personal beliefs and their experience. or a cop who will bust you for crums. which is an example going strictly by the law the other side of this if they go by...
  4. J

    critically smashed seeds are hard

    what is sensi?
  5. J

    8 hours of light, Outdoor growing

    what would happen to a plant that was given about 8 hours of sunlight per day from the very beginning. on my balcany only about 8 hours of sunlight gets through. would it grow?
  6. J

    OCD for medical marijuana

    i saw a doctor about OCD and got medicine for it. if i went to a medical marijuana doctor and told him about this, is this means of getting a medical marijuana card? i also have trouble sleeping but there's not record of that on my medical records, can this be used as means of getting a card as...
  7. J

    Watt usage busts

    so they can't tell where the kilowatt usage is coming from in the house?
  8. J

    Watt usage busts

    what is this i hear about the electrical companies reporting increases in kilowatt usage in a household to cops? do they only report the increase if it is like really high if you had like 50 plants or would they notice an increase with just 1 400 watt light and like 5 plants?
  9. J

    Feeding schedule and Nutrient burn

    sorry i dont mean to come off like that. i have read a lot of the sticky's but haven't found all of the answers i was looking for. when i go to ask a question my mind turns that one question into 10. thanks for your help.
  10. J

    Feeding schedule and Nutrient burn

    so you put the seedling in the ocean forest and keep it in the same thing through it's veg and flowering stage? won't it eat up all the nutrients, or can you add more? are seedlings supposed to be exposed to so much nutrients? thanks guys for the feed back.
  11. J


    how do you prevent getting a hermaphrodite, i mean how does that happen?
  12. J

    Distilled water ?

    reverse osmosis.. to my understanding it is stripped of all or most of it's minerals/nutrients.
  13. J

    Feeding schedule and Nutrient burn

    thanks bro, is this fox farm ocean forest soil only peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite? if not what is it? like do i have to put my own nute's into it? i heard vermiculite was cancer causing and not good, is this true? a big question i have is, what nutrient blend should i have in my soil in...
  14. J

    which one to get?

    my room is like 10 by 10 but it's got a lot of stuff in it, so i probably have like 4' by 4' at least, probably more.
  15. J

    which one to get?

    i'm leaning towards the Econo Grow Econo Gro 400 Switchable Convertible (MH or HPS) 400 $249.00 also is this a reputable place to put my credit card in.
  16. J

    which one to get?

    Agrosun Dayspot 150 Watt Agrosun Clamp Light Incandescent 150 $29.95 to $33.95 View Agrosun Dayspot 60 Watt Agrosun Clamp Light Incandescent 60 $24.95 to $26.95 View Econo Grow Econo...
  17. J

    buying light today, need help please

    do you need to switch your ballist when transitioning between Mh/Hps bulbs? and is a 400 conversion bulb mean it transitions from HPS to MH and vice versa? and is 400watts too much for my little room?
  18. J

    Furtelizing tomorrow, please help

    thanks ya i did what does 1/4 strenghth mean, does this mean 25% of your soil should have this in it?
  19. J

    is this right?

    so my understanding is i need a lamp that can sustain a 400 watt bulb of HID bulb, mh bulb or hps bulb. is this right? thank you! p.s. i'm not growing hydroponics and just growing in regular dirt and added soil nutrients also i looked at lowe's and orchard supply they don't have the right...
  20. J

    buying light today, need help please

    i am gonna go out and buy a 400watt light, but i have a few questions. i heard its better to light with mh during veg stage and hps during flowering.. if i buy a mh/hps light can i turn the hps off during veg and mh off doing flowering.. or is it that bad to leave both on during both stages...