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  1. G

    2 week old seedlings, need help, updated with pics

    thats the spearit, i really hope they turn out to be female for you best of luck bro...
  2. G

    Noob Problem

    when growing with cfls the more the better, you need 3000-5000 lumens per sq. ft. of growing area...
  3. G

    2 week old seedlings, need help, updated with pics

    are the plants in question from female seed?????
  4. G

    Noob Problem

    put that halogen light outside where it belongs, through incadence regular bulbs in trash. cfl are fine for growing MJ. but you need more than one or two.
  5. G

    2 week old seedlings, need help, updated with pics

    no it could and probally will pollenate you whole crop....the only thing i am certain about is death..... hermie seeds can and will produce hermie plants but not all plants will be hermie... does that make sense????
  6. G

    this dont look good

    i use rain water, all i do to it is filter it into my 5 gallon water bottles. i always ph any and all water that i give to my plants for the simple reason that if anything happens i at least know its not a ph problem which i think cause most problems in MJ...
  7. G

    this dont look good

    whats wrong with your water????
  8. G

    this dont look good

    alright, and just some points of interest,and this is just my thoughts,most problems with MJ, is caused by the grower, to much or to little care is bad for MJ, find a style of growing that you like and stick-too-it..... this plant pertty much grows-itself, ijust feed and provide light....
  9. G

    this dont look good

    thats to close for seedlings, 18-24 inches from seedlings or do the hand test , put you hand between you light and right on top of your plant, no burning or stinging you should be fine... and no, i dont want my girlfriend grow weed like you just yet... get em green bro.... sorry i see you are a...
  10. G

    2 week old seedlings, need help, updated with pics

    yes those are normal, but they are not hairs, i call them spurs but they have a real tech. name,those come out with every node..... behind those is where your plant will so sex, probally at the 4-6 nodes and on up the plant....
  11. G

    this dont look good

    what kinda soil????? if that was caused from light being to close you might try misting your plants with just ph'd water and they will probally make it.. but if that is causeed from something else say the soil or over nutes then we will try something different...
  12. G

    Transplanting/ Using a Root Stimulator and Hormex B???

    thats what we are all here for,,, keepem growing bro...
  13. G

    This is how I flush...

    wonderful, just plain wonderful
  14. G

    Megans Pursang Shiva and Haze Grow.

    nice and sexy as always, your hands, plants aint bad
  15. G

    Is This Magnesium Deficiency?

    being this close to the end of harvest, i would flush, i think your problem is heat stress, good move moveing lights, i am not trying to tell you how to grow just giveing advice, you never want to just start adding stuff to your water until you are sure of the problem, i know it is hard...
  16. G

    Transplanting/ Using a Root Stimulator and Hormex B???

    i would just use ph'd water on transplants until they get over shock...the correct ph for soil growing is 6.3-6.8... as for hydro, i couldnt tell you because i grow in soil... are we talking clones or seedlings?????
  17. G

    2 week old seedlings, need help, updated with pics

    should rebound, but any stress cares the chance of makeing hermie.......IMO, so it has happened and that cant be changed
  18. G

    Frozen indoor plants

    damn bro, sorry to hear that, maybe you could hit with some kinda reviver or something, root stimulater.....
  19. G

    Is This Magnesium Deficiency?

    how much epsom salt did you use????? looks more like heat stress to me, but not realy sure... how close are your lights?????