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  1. G

    I Am Sorry Tbg!!!!!!!!!!!

    hey am i in trouble???????? i still want to know what strain??????
  2. G

    Help!! When To Water Transplants??

    just let them recover before you give any nutes, they should be alright in a few days... did the transplant go ok???? no brokeing roots are anything?????
  3. G

    Back In The Day

    no its wasnt like today people had sense back then. wasnt any need of trying to be greedy, he was there every friday-saturday rain or shine... back in them days weed seemed to last longer, guess because i didnt smoke that much back then or i smoke to much now!!!!
  4. G

    Back In The Day

    i called it the dairy mart days my brother, remember them well !!!!the coolest brother god every let llive used to come around there on friday and saturday nights. i am a country boy born and bread.. this was the hang out spot in are no red light town....anyhow he would bring one of those...
  5. G

    Help!! When To Water Transplants??

    hey bro, after a transplant or re-pot, i will water real good just after repotting, then you wait until the soil dries really good, depending how big your plants are they should need to be watered again in 3-6 days.. thats the way i do it... i like to let the top of my soil get dry, before water...
  6. G

    Flowering my White Russian

    hey bro, you cant take me to serious, i get stoned and like to just have fun... i beleave you and i am looking foward to seeing your pics.. until then keep em green bro...
  7. G

    Flowering my White Russian

    i dont believe you!!!!! LOL
  8. G

    I Am Sorry Tbg!!!!!!!!!!!

    wow, this has really snowballed. and i know that if i hadnt of posted this wouldnt be happening, now i really feel bad about this. it is only right that i be disqualified from the contest, if it is still going. the rules are the rules and i broke them. sorry for the trouble that i caused!!!!!
  9. G

    I Am Sorry Tbg!!!!!!!!!!!

    hey i am soory again, please dont do away with this or future contest....
  10. G

    Mogwi's First Grow

    very nice plants, those lowriders almost look like small clones the way the leafs are....
  11. G

    yet another "Green giant" grow

    man that 3rd pic sure looks like a bud forming, must just be the light????????
  12. G

    I Am Sorry Tbg!!!!!!!!!!!

    :holysheep: :eek: :shocked: :bolt: :bolt: :ccc: :bong1: :bongin: :joint: :D
  13. G

    I Am Sorry Tbg!!!!!!!!!!!

    thanks Hick, now i no......
  14. G

    I Am Sorry Tbg!!!!!!!!!!!

    found the strain, its called mellon weed, auto-flowering, yeilds can be enormess, some penoes have to be tied up!!!!!!! takes well to transplanting......
  15. G

    I Am Sorry Tbg!!!!!!!!!!!

    hey TBG, sorry for posting in contest, show that pic and went nuts trying to figure what strain it was,LOL. anyway sorry, please remove my post if possible.......saw that pic.... sorry, man i am just all cunfussed now....
  16. G

    Is this nutrient burning ? if so please help. Pictures included.

    well your plant looks fine except for it is streching move light closer, that lite green to yellow you see on the new leaves is normal healthy growth...
  17. G

    Is This Magnesium Deficiency?

    your harvest will be good, heat stress doesnt just effect the top of the plant, yes thats where it starts most all the time but it can work down the plant, depending on how long it is left under to close of some cases it want but if it does then what??? the epsom salt that is..i know...
  18. G

    I'm new

    welcome aboard, glad to have you...
  19. G

    I've been gone, but know I am back!!!

    welcome back,got any ladies???????
  20. G

    Stealth Ops.

    welcome to MP....