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  1. G

    adding sugar to water

    hey mutt, i aint yelling bro,you are right,but it does work
  2. G

    adding sugar to water

    well unless you are growing in a sealed lab some where, you dont have a pure inviroment to produce pure bud... and once you add something to your plant to stimulate growth thats not pure either...IMO
  3. G

    adding sugar to water

    Well I Use It Every Feeding Along With Peters 10-50-10 Super Blossom Chemical Nutes, Organic Soil, Got Pitcures Of Two A.i. Clones One Got Feed Just Nute The Other Got Feed Nutes-molassis,FROM THE SAME MOTHER FROM THE SAME NODE....EVEN WITH MY BAD EYES I CAN SEE WITCH ONE IS BIGGER AND HEAVER
  4. G

    adding sugar to water

    Molassis, Adds Flavor And Weight,,,enough Said...
  5. G

    Making seedling's stems stronger

    oh man pinch that thing, want hurt even if it is a seedling, i mean dont pinch it into just a gentle little squeez until you feel the stem give...
  6. G

    I Quit

    sorry to hear of your troubles, hope all goes well for you and your always got a spot here with us... good luck ann........
  7. G

    selfing pollin to other plants

    i got to say bro, i aint got a clue what you are talking about...sounds like you got a hermie that you want to pollinate the rest of your crop!!!!if thats it then yes put every thing together,but why????????????????
  8. G

    Did I do somethng wrong?

    i think i read some where that not all of them will smell or taste like bubble gum.. but i havent growed that yet so dont know for sure but i bet you will get a better answer before long..
  9. G

    Hello MP

    greetings, take me to your welcome.
  10. G

    I got "the letter"

    i would like to see some of there grows, they get quality free beans.... must have some good sorry, i am sorry for you luck.... better next time...
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    hey there ommpc, i am from the country, you need to spell it out for me, what those letters stand for, op of the ommpc. and welcome to MP.....
  12. G


    bagseed aint it wonderful????? nice 4u2smoke
  13. G

    Hi I just joined your forum

    welcome aboard....
  14. G

    Northern Lights and Aurora Indica: Round 3

    they already breathed enough good air, kill them suckers.......
  15. G

    UKgirl420.Blue Mystic grow!

    it might just be a lite green color, it might be a little more hungry, looking great to me,
  16. G

    harvesting question

    yes and yes.... i like 50- 60 percent amber
  17. G

    harvesting question

    your harvest should go by your trichs. if you are seeing amber on a few than it is almost time in my book , cloudy= head high amber= couch lock are should i say with at least 50 percent amber you should get some good smoke, but you harvest with the trichs. not the pistels........
  18. G


    damn PUFF, i got to get me one , the third pic that is... that is damn fine work...
  19. G

    I Am Sorry Tbg!!!!!!!!!!!

    looked more like art than porn to me.....
  20. G

    Help!! When To Water Transplants??

    they should be fine, keep us posted...