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  1. katelynbah!

    Just wondering

    where did everyone learn everything they know? Did you guys get taught by someone else? Read it in a book? Or taught themselves by growing it first hand? I just think its great that everyone here is so knowledgeable. :aok:
  2. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    also, how should I know when I need to start flowering and all of that. If they are female of course. what speed should the fan be on? And should they be pointed directly at the plants, what angle?
  3. katelynbah!


    should I replace the soil as well, or what? never done this before, thanks.
  4. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    Well, I know the 7in is some sort of oregon strain, but I have no idea to the rest of them. My dad gave me the others and told me to put them in soil. I really have no idea what Im doing, haha. the only thing about putting them in buckets is that they are just plants on my window, if I put them...
  5. katelynbah!


    if you want to help me more, here is my grow journal
  6. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    Started growing bagseed June 8th. This was my first attempt. Started out with 15plants. I didnt think they would all make it, 9 are here today. one 9 in. one 7 in. three 5in. two 3 in and two 2 in. I currently have them in random containers. thebiggest one has the biggest container, and the...
  7. katelynbah!


    how exactly do I go about flushing my plants?
  8. katelynbah!


    well, the plants are over a month anyways. I dont really do anything to them expect add water every other day. But now the leaves are turning yellow and ive already said this. So i got the food. Ive never flushed them or anything. My friend ust brought over his T5 and told me to use that, but...
  9. katelynbah!


    thanks a ton
  10. katelynbah!


    thanks. I bought the plant food miracle grow. Is that okay too? I think you guys were talking about soil, I got soil from the grounds of northern oregon, and Ive never let the soil dry out, so thats what Im using. But my leaves and yellowing and falling off so I bought the mg. is this okay?
  11. katelynbah!


    i heard that miracle grow will make your plants nice and green but when it comes time to harvest, its like taste like it or something. Is this true? Is mircle grow bad on y plants? And if they are, what should I be using? thanks
  12. katelynbah!

    New Plants

    Hello, Im katelyn. I began the birth of my plants on Jun 8th. They are all indoor sitting in my window. They are not very tall, the tallest is probably 5 or 6 inches. The others range in size from 1-4. The biggest one is doing great, its very strong and is a deep green color. Some of the others...