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  1. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    I’ll try that
  2. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Her heart is just wearing out. She’s had stints for years. But this time last year they did stints and started having issues with the vessel wall degrading. One Dr said no, other Dr did it anyway. Been touch and go ever since. I think she lost a lot of fire between my sister dying...
  3. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Well I stared at the fish for about five seconds. And decided I’d relax better if I stayed busy so I cleaned the new pistol. 22 is some dirty stuff. Got a holster ordered for it. Don’t know why. I guess a gun gotta have a holster. Maybe I’ll carry it when I go hunting...
  4. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Thanks @Tattered Old Graywolf Sitting down in the basement. Watering the plants. Turning the eggs and smoking a bowl. Think I’ll turn the lights off and watch the fish tank for a few minutes.
  5. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Moms heart is erratic, and isn’t strong enough to pump through the kidneys correctly. Going to go see her tomorrow at the hospital. I’m getting a bad feeling about.
  6. yarddog

    How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

    I can watch an old western movie in the winter. But summer time I got to be moving around till I’m too tired to keep going.
  7. yarddog

    How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

    I am a highly impatient person. ADD whatever you want to call it. But sometimes I can sit four 8 hours and build a model. Other days I sit at the work table and screw off for twenty minutes and then I’m done for the day.
  8. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Well no one helped talk me out of the pistol. And the local gun counter had a nice used one for a good price. I said please take my money Mr. gun salesman. And he did. But I got back 65 cents in change. 😂. Now I got to get a holster for it. Just a peashooter. Single action...
  9. yarddog

    How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

    I build model airplanes and cars. When I lived in a different town I had a huge vegetable and flower garden. Hobbies are good. Idle minds are rarely a good thing. Now I spend my time changing diapers and burping babies. 😂
  10. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Shot a 410 judge last week in the evening. Talk about a muzzle flash.
  11. yarddog

    How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

    I’ve heard a lot an about mushrooms helping with mental state. I am thinking about learning how to grow some. I’ve started having some anxiety issues last couple months. Sometimes it is close to what I’d call crippling. My wife suffers from depression. It can be frustrating to...
  12. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    I’m a sucker for a rifle or shotgun. But it’s real hard for me to see a pistol I got to have. The ones that appeal the most are way out of my price range anyway. I can justify $1500 for a pistol. Not when a $400 Glock does the same job.
  13. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Trying to talk myself out of buying a 22 mag revolver tomorrow. Aside from putting and animal down what use could I have with a single action 22 mag revolver? I think I’ll have talked myself into some sense by tomorrow morning. Definitely don’t need it. Nope. But….
  14. yarddog

    Dog's Yard

    No worries. We make do, I would never have anything mailed to my house. Way too paranoid for that!!
  15. yarddog

    First Timer

    I was being sarcastic. Hippie and I go back about ten years on difference forums. I generally prefer the friendships of older people vs younger than myself.
  16. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Evening folks. Had bbq sandwiches from some meat I smoked last year. Was a mix of deer and lamb necks and 1 pork butt. Hickory smoked 11 hours Mixed in a little homemade sauce. We froze around 15 lb. 18 months ago. Just thawed the last lb pack. Me and the wifey took my CRV down...
  17. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Drizzling rain again today. I built some more of the quail aviary. Just need to frame out a door and cover the top with wire. Will be a 12x12 6 foot high.
  18. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    There’s some crazy porn sites out there. I bet some folks got scared out of their minds 😂. Some of that gay midget donkey show stuff 🤠 Then there’s the Wyoming sheep farmers with their Velcro gloves 🐑
  19. yarddog

    I'm new here...

    “The boy ain’t right” 😂
  20. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Morning gang. Cool and overcast this morning. I like it. But I’ll miss the daylight hours of summer. Hauled my mom to the er last night. She’s had trouble breathing for a day or so. Our interactions and relationships have changed in the last year. I think we all have a feeling...