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  1. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Ordered my trimming kit, hopefully it's not a waste of money. Also will be using the drying basket vs just hanging upside down
  2. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    What are these leaves saying or is it just late flower?
  3. greenscreen13

    GM Xmas Grow

    Cool little tent
  4. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Very helpful info, not to sound like a total noob but when you say Epsom..we are talking like just normal Epsom salt right?😂
  5. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Also, I've been thinking about the next round and I might switch to jacks, seems to work well for a lot of you and seems a bit simpler then using 4-5 different bottles through the grow
  6. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    I'm starting to see some amber trichomes, I want to make it too at least day 70. Maybe I'm just seeing ones still on the leaf and not the flower part idk
  7. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    I knew yesterday she was getting a little dry but let it go another day, this whole time it's basically how I've watered I can tell the day before she droops like this
  8. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Mmm I could see that actually because it is thought that cannabis produce trichomes and resin as a defense mechanism to insects and potential predators to allow the plant to reproduce so maybe. I also think the same way you do though and you would think it would be better for her to always have...
  9. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Been listening to this audiobook at work...this chapter of genes and breeding is making my 🧠 swell. I've listened to this chapter 4 times now and still don't understand it
  10. greenscreen13

    first time grower

    Damn man, I'm a first time grower too but you look professional already. Following for sure
  11. greenscreen13

    GM Xmas Grow

    Couldn't this stress also cause hermie plants?
  12. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Still gonna limit to 2 plants and an solo cup experiment, 1 vegging 1 flowering at a time
  13. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Oh I am, can see mountains from my driveway actually
  14. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    Shhhh 🤫 idk what you are talking about I'm in Colorado 😉
  15. greenscreen13

    GM Xmas Grow

    That's really interesting stuff, I never even thought of the idea of taking a clipping and flipping them to tell sex. Makes sense though, I'm sure you will still end up with some nice plants
  16. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    I guess I'm pulling the trigger on a veg space 😅🙃
  17. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    I wouldn't post one that edited 😂
  18. greenscreen13

    1st plant, 1st Post (Feminized Sour Diesel by Barneys Farm)

    This one is just for fun but this is just a heavily edited photo in lightroom