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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Hey guys, might seem like a simple question, and i cant search as the search engine seems thing the word "the" has never been used on this forum lol, but where exactly do you top the plants?

Has anyone got a good thread link they could share?? would appreciate any help as they've been flowering for about 9 days now and were starting to see females!..

thanks for any help
riz :D
No problem bro. If you haven't seen it, click the link at the top of this forum, the 'grower's resources'. In there is a must read called the 'overgrow faq' is a shortcut: Basic Topics.htm

Scroll about 2/3 down and in the vegetative section you will see some great articles on training/topping.

I usually top seedlings after the 5th node.
ah but it is debatable about WHERE to top them... some people say cut to cut off the newly developed top part... BUT where exactly do you cut??

do you cut the whole top off leaving a twig protruding?
do you cut just above the fresh internode and leave the 2 young fan leave in tact but without that tight cluster of new leaves (that you cut off)???

come on guys, me and riz have mixed opinions on this, riz says cut it off to leave a twig at the top, i say just cut off the new developing cluster of leaves from the top leaves the other new fan leaves alone... where EXACTLY should we cut for the proper Topping method???

PS, elephant man, cheers for the link, but it still doesnt answer the question fully (where to cut)

PPS: heres a rubbish artists impression of what im trying to explain...
Green thumb I know what youre saying. Every time I try FIMing I either cut way too little off and I end up with half leaves grown out or it just completely stops grow of the main shoot and the top to stems become the main shoots. I've been pulling my hair out as well over this... I don't really have much left to do that with either anymore! haha...:mad:
I haven't actually seen a difference by making cuts at either of those spots in the drawing, she will recover the same. I usually take the cut a little lower and clone and top at the same time, but these axial cuttings are abit tougher to root.

Fimming is really something you have to get a feel for, takes practice. You have to take the small new top and practice pinching it of at just the right spot...took a few times for me too.
ok, i see some people say they top at certain times of growth, our plants have just had their 1st week of 12/12 light and apparently this is a good time to do it befiore any serious flowers form...
In my opinion if you are gonna top I would take it at the middle line in your pic. My reasoning is to try not to take any more leaves than necessary.

Here are two plants I topped. First one was a normal take the whole shoot way. I added a pic so you can see what I am talking about when I describe how I did my other one. I cut right above the bottom of the shoot. Leaving only about 10% of that shoot. So you are going to be cutting two sets of leaves when doing this. This way hormones change a lil different. You see where my branches are coming out of both the middle and from the sides? The one I topped the normal way just redirects the growth to lower branches but I lost that main stem in the middle. On the one I did the FIM method of pruning I got the added growth, and still have a shoot in the middle growing. I hope that helps you out.

You can see in my grow how much growth is effected by topping or training. I am doing all three: topping, LST(bending), and letting one grow like normal.



the_riz said:
Hey guys, might seem like a simple question, and i cant search as the search engine seems thing the word "the" has never been used on this forum lol, but where exactly do you top the plants?

Has anyone got a good thread link they could share?? would appreciate any help as they've been flowering for about 9 days now and were starting to see females!..

thanks for any help
riz :D

Damn son, I didn't pay attention that you are flowering... in that case ABORT! You will only end up with cut branches that will not produce flowers. They don't have the time to heal up in time. You want to give them time to produce more growing shoots. So a month from flower time is going to be about as close as you really want to cut it, though you could probably get closer. Did that make sence? Cuz I am high as hell right now. Hope that helps a bit guyz.
damn me and doc green are completely blazed ourselves.. like, lol.. jedi

anyawy, damn.. I'm sure i saw in a video before we started growing, where the dude topped a week into flowering, guess i was mistaken, god bless my memory! lol

cheers anyway guys! guess i will have to live in a world of single cola's
No No I'm pretty sure I saw that too... It might have been Jeorge Cerventes. Or however you spell that crazy name. Either way I know what you're talking about but thinking about it more it definitely doesn't make sense.
Well, I never tried it so I can't stand by it. I am pretty sure I read it that way. But... hey not everything you read is true. And honstly it's a good thing to remember there are no rules. Only some guidlines. So if that's what Jorge said I'd love to see how this works out for you. I didn't think it would have enough time. That would be kinda cool. I start early depending on the condition of the plant. That FIM seemed to do a damn good job. Get plenty of pics! You guys got a great grow. I love learning $h!7 like that.
in my last grow i topped one of my plants by cutting right under the 2 newest leaves a week before flowering (the first cut in drgreenthumbs pic)...i thought that was gon stun the plants grwth for about a week..but it only stunned it for 2 or 3 days and then side growth boosted!...unfortunely that plant was a male :(

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