General Advice/Idea's for second grow.

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Growing Wild
Nov 23, 2009
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Hey guys, just joined this forum for some advice on my second grow after an unsuccessful first grow. Any thoughts are welcome and will be appreciated. Now I'll start with my setup. My room is about 1mx1mx2.5m (3.2'x3.2'x8.2'). I'm ventilating with a 250ml ceiling fan and also air cooling the bulb by running ducting to the roof with a computer fan attached. I should be replacing the rooms air supply every few minutes or so. I started this grow from seed under aquarium lights and moved them into my grow room after about a week and a half which was running a 175w Metal Halide putting out about 12k lumens on a 22/2 cycle. I was using ISN Supreme A+B Grow Nutes (N12.2P2.3K10.8), starting at 1/3 dosage and moving upto 2/3 recommended dosage. I am using an ebb and flow system growing in clay medium and 9" netted pots. I topped the plants 2 weeks after, and gave them another weeks growth. Then I put in a 400w HID HPS putting out about 50k lumens on a 12/12 cycle using the same brand A+B Bloom Nutes(N11P5.8K13.5), also at 1/3 dosage. I'm watering for 15 minutes every 4 hours. Temps are getting a little high around 32C-33C (89.6F-91.4). I'm about on day 33, first day of the flowering stage. I'm growing from seed at the moment because i rely on seeds from friends and its kinda a mixed bag. So until i have my growing techniques down I'm holding off on the cloning. It looks like I have one Indica, two Indica/Sativa hybrids and five Sativa's. But I'm defiantly no expert and I'm just hazarding an educated guess from the reading I've done so far. The pictures are of the ones i think are Indica or Indica/Sativa. So that's it. Thanks for reading and hopefully posting any suggestions you might have.








All sounds fine, you might want to work on that high temp. It will make them stretch as they try to breathe.

You might run into some minor drama once you get them going. Running multiple strains in one room can sometimes be a challenge, some strains will need a different nute mix to be happy and the varience of height can drive you crazy. Nothing like having a fat, squat indica in pebbles next to a sativa which jumps up 2 feet higher. Under tiny lights like a 175 watt you will prolly see them stretch long/tall though.

More than anything plants wants consistency. Sometimes the numbers won't add up (i.e. pH and PPM wacky compared to other folks) but the plants will do just fine. They fail when you change too much...
I just cut a bigger passive intake about 300ml x 300ml into the side to help get the temps down. The extraction fan slows down to about 80% speed when i close the door like I'm getting a little bit of a vacuum happening. I probably need an extra 100ml to get the fan running at 100%. Are the temps alarmingly high or okay? I read that 33C is pretty bad.

Also I'm assuming from your response that you think they are Indica+Indica/Sativa+Sativa as well?

Also i have them under the 400w now. It was under the 175w during veg. I am now flowering.
Ok, I bought a wireless temp and humidity meter. My TEMP at the moment 4 hours into the light cycle is 29.7C and my humidity is 53% pretty good I think. My only problem is I think the room is getting hotter during the day (the plants dark period) upto about 32C-33C. I've been reading that there should be at least a 10 degree drop in temp during the dark cycle. Is this going to affect my plants growth?
the drop in twmp at night will not effect the plants growth. If your temps are still to high, (I don't know Celcius) you will just need to tweak your ventilation, maybe get a higher cfm rated fan. It sounds like you've got the rest of it down...although I'm by no means a hydro of them will probably be able to give you more info. GL!
I am not a celsius person but i think 30 c is about 86 f, meaning you are getting up to 90 f during the day. That's hot. It will/can make your plants stretch and grow taller. You want to aim more at around 24 c. Min-max meters are your friends.

Rule of thumb - if being in your grow room makes you sweat, its too damn hot.

iamtd said:
Ok, I bought a wireless temp and humidity meter. My TEMP at the moment 4 hours into the light cycle is 29.7C and my humidity is 53% pretty good I think. My only problem is I think the room is getting hotter during the day (the plants dark period) upto about 32C-33C. I've been reading that there should be at least a 10 degree drop in temp during the dark cycle. Is this going to affect my plants growth?
Thanks for the tips. I played around with my ventilation and they temp during the day today. I was able To drop my temp during the night an axtra degree and my temp during the day didn't go over 84f. It's not ideal but I think it will be alright. Thanks for your post's. Any more will be appreciated!