I Think WW Seeds From Chronic Are Bad

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Another Female Grower
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
Conneaut Ohio
:ciao:Some of you already know I ordered some Nirvana White Widow seeds from Dr. Chronic and I truly think they are just plain bad:chuck: ... I tried germinating 6 seeds and only only two popped up once they cracked open ... one never open it's baby leaves and died ... the other is sick ... growing very slowly:watchplant: ... I suspected something was wrong when the tap root didn't develop after cracking through ... all the healthy seeds I've germinate had tap roots that grew in the water ... that's how I germinate seeds ... the ones that didn't I knew would take longer to develop if popped or wouldn't make it ...
I've germinated 100's of seeds and I've never had this problem with soil I know is good ...
... I just find it hard to believe it's too hot for it to develop ... if the other plants can do it ... I see no reason why the WW can't either ...
I checked Chronic's non- germination policy ...

13. My seeds will not germinate
  • We carry out regular tests on all our seeds as do the breeders ,Our stock is always fresh , it is not our policy to sell seed stock more than 6 months old .

    If you do experience problems we suggest you contact the breeder and inquire if any other consumers have experienced problems . We will NOT replace seeds that have not germinated due to grower error .
So as far as they are concern it's my fault ... but the seeds did germinate ... it's just that they are sick ... I will contact Chronic and see what they have to say ... or if they will respond ... I tried to contact Nirvana, but they email page is down ...

I'll post if I get a response ... :confused2:
I'm having problems with my Nirvana White Widows too. They pop up from the soil, get maybe two sets of small fan leaves and then just stop growing. They don't seem to die, just stay about two inches tall and go yellow. My soil and PH are all good and I have had good success with bagseeds using it. Maybe white widow is extremely fussy? Anyways, let me know if you hear anything GrowRebel.
OUCH,I ORDERED FROM THE DR MYSELF AND WW.sorry about the caps. just my luck,reputation is going down fast.
GrowRebel said:
So as far as they are concern it's my fault ... but the seeds did germinate ... it's just that they are sick ... I will contact Chronic and see what they have to say ... or if they will respond ... I tried to contact Nirvana, but they email page is down ...

I'll post if I get a response ... :confused2:

I used to work for Nirvana as a part of their admin,you won't get a replacement unless you ordered them direct from Nirvana.
If you order them from a seed bank ,Nirvana looks at it as a risk you take.
I understand what you are saying ... I know the risk ... would like to give Chronic a chance to make good ... if the seeds are indeed bad he would have to take it up with Nirvana ... :angrywife::chuck:

Stonerman said:
I'm having problems with my Nirvana White Widows too. They pop up from the soil, get maybe two sets of small fan leaves and then just stop growing. They don't seem to die, just stay about two inches tall and go yellow. My soil and PH are all good and I have had good success with bagseeds using it. Maybe white widow is extremely fussy? Anyways, let me know if you hear anything GrowRebel.

According to journals from growers with healthy seeds they didn't seem to have any trouble ... when those tap roots didn't develop I knew something was wrong ... the Blueberry I got from peakseeds are doing fantastic ... I hear it can be fussy too ... but they are doing well ...
... I'm having the same problem as you ... they pop up ... the ones that did that is ... then they stop growing ...
... I got a form email from Chronic stating he gets lots of emails and it takes him a while to answer, plus he included the FAQ section ... I will see if he returns my email ... I asked what his policy was for sick seeds ...

oltomnoddy said:
Same for me, with a 0% of 10 beans germinated.

Well ... at least now we know it isn't us ... three different growers ... in three different areas ... all getting poor results from the same seeds ... he can't call it grower error:doh: ... we will have to see if he will make good ... if not ... then I would advise each of you to reported it to the seedbankupdate ... that's what I plan to do ...

andy52 said:
OUCH,I ORDERED FROM THE DR MYSELF AND WW.sorry about the caps. just my luck,reputation is going down fast.

If it's not too late perhaps you could cancel or order another strain? ... I would definitely state why ... :hitchair:
GrowRebel said:
I understand what you are saying ... I know the risk ... would like to give Chronic a chance to make good ... if the seeds are indeed bad he would have to take it up with Nirvana ... :angrywife::chuck:

Let me know if the Doc is not able to help and I will contact Nirvana for you and see if they are prepared to make good.
I'm glad it's not just me. I am so bummed about it, was so looking forward to trying White Widow. I Had 4 that grew to about two inches and stopped growing, two that didn't germ at all and 4 left still that I have been afraid to start. The seeds were all pretty light in color, not dark and stripy looking. Got them from Doc Chronic back in May.
karmacat said:
Let me know if the Doc is not able to help and I will contact Nirvana for you and see if they are prepared to make good.

Hey thanks a lot ... I would really appreciate that ... I will definitely let you know ... :)

Stonerman said:
I'm glad it's not just me. I am so bummed about it, was so looking forward to trying White Widow. I Had 4 that grew to about two inches and stopped growing, two that didn't germ at all and 4 left still that I have been afraid to start. The seeds were all pretty light in color, not dark and stripy looking. Got them from Doc Chronic back in May.

Nope ... it's not just you ... found four other growers with the same problem with the same seeds from the same guy ... I know where you are coming from ... I was so looking forward to having WW for Xmas ... now my dreams have been dashed ... :doh:Big bummer ...
The seeds I got looked ok ... the problem was when I germinated them and the tap root wouldn't develop ... that was the first red flag ... I got these seeds from the Doc in June ...
... if the doc doesn't make good I feel we should warn other growers about this ... :eek:
thank you to all of you guys for the warning.i was gonna place my order with the boutique next week for some ww beans,but screw that.looks like its back to searching strains for me. thats again.-peace
GrowRebel said:
Nope ... it's not just you ... found four other growers with the same problem with the same seeds from the same guy ... I know where you are coming from ... I was so looking forward to having WW for Xmas ... now my dreams have been dashed ... :doh:Big bummer ...
The seeds I got looked ok ... the problem was when I germinated them and the tap root wouldn't develop ... that was the first red flag ... I got these seeds from the Doc in June ...
... if the doc doesn't make good I feel we should warn other growers about this ... :eek:

I don't know about my tap roots because I always just put the seeds straight into the soil and keep it damp and they sprout in a day or two. These White Widows all came up with their shells still attatched. On one, I had to remove it myself. They looked ok for a few days, then they would just stop growing and start curling upward and turning yellow. I actually still have a couple that I threw outside a few weeks ago. They are still alive, but no new growth, small and sickly looking.

Keep us updated on anything you hear from the Doc. I may write him an email too.
I am not sure why you are all having difficulties. I ordered mine in june. I got 100% germ rate on ten beans. Some are lacking in the growth but others are doing just fine. I honestly had more trouble with Nirvana bubblicious then the WW. I will be taking cuttings from the healthy ww to get a good mother. I also germed mine in rockwool and watered them with Olivia's rooting solution for the first week and then voodoo juice for the next two. Maybe this promoted a good root structure that gave me the success you guys/gals are lacking. The Doc did me right when half of my order got lost (not confiscated but just plain lost). I say the beef is most likely with Nirvana and not Doc. I think that you get what you pay for. My Dutchpassion Blueberry beans were 3times as much as any Nirvana Strain and I only got 5 beans. However, my Blueberry is very healthy, fast growing, nute and heat friendly, and overall just much better genetics. I think this is something to take into consideration when ordering beans.
I paid the same price for my peakseed blueberry as I did for the nirvana white widow ... my blueberry is doing fantastic ... so you get what you pay for doesn't wash ... I used some superthrive on the sprouts ... I hope that helps ... but they are still pretty sick ... the three I have anyway ...
May I suggest some sort of root nutrient? Also what is the medium you have them in? I am not taking sides just sharing my experience with this breeders strain. It maybe not that you are doing something wrong but there maybe a way to get them back on track. If you look at my grow the second row in my aero is all WW from Nirvana order from the Doc the same time as you guys/gals. We just need to diagnose the problem and see if we can't fix it together. To be honest we are probably gonna be better off fixing it ourselves then relying on the seed bank or supplier to fix it. I can offer any advice on my experience so feel free to hit me up.
I'm one for one:D. It was a female and I just took cuttings from her and never tried to pop another one.
BuddyLuv said:
May I suggest some sort of root nutrient? Also what is the medium you have them in? I am not taking sides just sharing my experience with this breeders strain. It maybe not that you are doing something wrong but there maybe a way to get them back on track. If you look at my grow the second row in my aero is all WW from Nirvana order from the Doc the same time as you guys/gals. We just need to diagnose the problem and see if we can't fix it together. To be honest we are probably gonna be better off fixing it ourselves then relying on the seed bank or supplier to fix it. I can offer any advice on my experience so feel free to hit me up.
Oh no no ... I understand where you are coming from ... no need to take sides ... I have some superthrive ... will that do? ... I would like to get what I have on track and am willing to work with them ... I'll see if I can find the thread you refered to ... perhaps I can find a way to get them to survive :watchplant:... It would be easier and quicker than trying to deal with the bank ... :confused2:
... I am using pro-mix soil ... this stuff saved some very sick plants ... so the soil is without question ...
... if you need anymore information let me know ... :joint:
i think we should get what we pay for top of the line seeds.i do not know what you guys spent,but i sent 70 USD and i had better get good product.one thing i do know how to do is germ a seed.might need some help after that,but have always had good luck germin seeds.think i will email him and see if i can change my order to something else.good luck guys and keep it posted if you hear from the dr.
I would use some sort of rooting solution, Olivia's, Voodoo Juice, or something similar. Mine were at a stop until the roots got a good structure to them and then they just exploded with new growth. Also I had to get mey temps below 80, the Blueberry didn't mind 90 but the WW just sat at an idle till I got my temps at 79. That is why my Blueberry are about 3 inches taller then the WW and bubblicious I have. But once I got these things in check the grew just as fast as the Blueberry. Also I don't believe the whole no nutes for 3 weeks thing. Mine were getting something right off the bat. I admit it wasn't much to avoided burning them up but it was something to feed them.
The soil I use is Black Gold potting soil. I mix it with 1/3 perlite and 1 tablespoon of dolomite lime per gallon. The bag seeds I have done loved this mix. I will try some rooting solution. One of the White Widows I threw outside looks fairly healthy after all the rain we have had, but still has not grown any more. It is about a month old now. I will try to put up a pic later tonight. Maybe it can be saved. I still have 4 more seeds I could try, but don't want to mess them up.
i just sent email to the dr.stating that there was a problem with their seeds with several people from this site.i also told them,that if there is a problem with the WW seed to replace my order with durban poison.we'll see if they reply.hopefully,i do not want to have to go thru what you guys have.heck it takes long enough to get the seeds in the first place.thanks guys

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