I need parents' opinions on this one

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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So I have my 8 year old girl and it is her birthday, and she sked me to get her roller blades. Now many parents would get them without second thought, but I was worried about possible accidents and injuries and then her 3 year old brother would also want one soon and so I would have to worry double. It is breaking my heart because she wanted them so much and not matter what I tried to convince her as alternative and better gift, she just wanted rollers. I found myself refusing to buy them and she asked me at what age I had rollers myself, so I said at 11, so she counted the years she has left until 11 so that she can then corner me with the fact that I had them at that age. It is hurting me a little because I feel like I am in the way of her dreams although I provide a lot of care. She has no shortage of activities from swimming and piano classes to a sports club membership and outings, a part of me tells me to man up and take the final decision without so much sensitivity but I am worried how much damage I might be causing. She is still happy but I can tell that she wants roller skates. I know this feeling. But where I live it's all steep roads with no sidewalk, so the rollers would be occasional when we drive somewhere where there is space to roll. I feel like she will wear them a few times and then just put them aside and then outgrow their size. It is the parent who knows these things. I am still confused what to do. What is your opinion on this?
My Son hurt his back on the damn things. He is 43 and still has trouble with his back. Problem is he was 17 when he fell. Good luck. You can only protect them for so long and they will do it anyway. If I were you I would allow her to have them only when you are around to make sure she isn't doing dumb crap and pushing her luck. Kids are pretty tough. She sounds like a good kid. We have a granddaughter that we raised until she was almost 9 so I know your pain. 😁
Matter fact she is back. Her, her dad, and her 2 yr old brother who never walks anywhere. He runs. We call him Bam Bam. Kid is tough as nails. 😁
I was going to say maybe a weekly roller rink visit with some lessons 1st. Big beat me to it.
Ok, I will play Dr Spock for a moment. How did I ever survive the 60's. You have heard this before I am sure. If you are worried about roller blades at 8 you have a lot of things coming up that are gonna worry you a lot more. First cell phone, first date first car.....exc.

I survived and so did my friends. I never wore a helmet or knee pads or any of the other protective devices kids have now days.

You can worry yourself to death on issues like this. What are her friends doing? Do you live in a safe place for her to do this.....all questions parents have to answer.

Do what you think is best but don't deprive her as it will come back to haunt you at a older age. My parents held me back and I went wild in my teens. Actually still am.
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I agree w @pute.
Get her some blades, do whatever makes you comfortable as far as protective gear.
Kids are small for a reason; so they dont have far to fall when they do! That and spitting one out of course :)
In my experience, the kids will take it off eventually, but hopefully will incur their first hurt before they do.
I dont worry about my Son getting hurt, and in fact will let him.
It's when they starting flirting with injury that I step in and knock some sense into them.
Scrapes, bruises, burns, cuts, stitches...all part of growing up free!
I broke a few bones along the way, but then I play harder than most.
Good luck!
Kids are going to hurt themselves regardless. That’s all part of growing up and makes us who we are. My oldest son was always sheltered and kept away from anything that could possibly even maybe hurt him. My ex wife and I were complete opposites as far as worrying about something that might happen.
So one day my son was with friends that were playing on a scooter on this very long steep driveway. My poor son wanted to do it because all the other kids were. But obviously with no experience he ate crap in front of everyone. Poor guy was so embarrassed and road rashed pretty good. He still remembers this years later.
The embarrassing moment, not the pain.

Get that girl some rollerblades and good safety gear and let her crash!
Thank you so much for your advice. I think I might get them. I live in an area with hills and steep roads with no or limited sidewalks so we will have to drive somewhere for the kids to be able to use the rollers so I guess that they will stay under our supervision. I don't worry that she will give me problems just because I didn't get them, since I provide a lot of other things for her and she is a happy kid all in all. Also she is talented in piano and I don't want her injuring her hands and wrists which is the most common injury on rollers. I guess kids have to be kids. There is this sports shop where they let kids try stuff before they buy and it is spacious enough. Maybe she changes her mind after she tries them the first time and sees how difficult it is. I mean I will let her choose between gifts and if she decides that rollers are too hard maybe she will go for the other gift...
Skating rink where I grew up used to tighten the axel nuts down on skates . . . slowed them down enough the kids could get comfortable on them. Never took look before they were complaining that their skates wouldn't "roll good." Might work the same for blades, I don't know. Of course that was 40+ years ago . . . might not work with the wheels and bearing they use today.
Typical mom.....your doing just fine. You care and that is more than I can say for a lot of parents these days.
I am a dad not a mom, I must change my avatar to avoid confusion...
I got the blades and she is so happy she kept saying "it's more fun than i thought" as she tried them. She always surprises me how well she knows what she wants. Also she seems to have good balance. Within 20 minutes, she was already able to move on them slowly. She fell one time backwards but i got her good protective gear. The problem now is that her brother 3 years old, got jealous when he saw them and kept crying "I want boots like these!". Wife was like "you should have gotten him something" I was like "it never crossed my mind, i was so busy getting her rollers". lol it's never complete but all we can do is try our best jeez

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