first time scrog made from 100lb test fishline and alot of LST

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2011
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Hello my name is greenphene nice to meet you. Ok a little information for you.

Lights. Cfl
300watt 4200 lumens I have one. 2700k
42watt 2800 lumens. I have 3. 2700k.
23watt 1800 lumens. I have two. 3500k

I am in veg right now. I know I should have daylight cfl at 6500k. I plan to buy one sooooon


Purple trainwreck
Blue Dream
Master Kush
Casey Jones

I bought mature clones from the store.

So what I did when I got them November 24,2011. I planted in Fox Farms. Also I have been using superthrive and aurora roots organic with every feeding. I plan on buying the Fox Farm trio in the next couple weeks.
So when I bought my plants I transplanted them. They was pretty tall almost 24". So I topped all of them because they had too MuCH space in between each node.
Ok so my plants have been healing since about the day after thanks giving. Throughout this time I have been doing a little lst to my shoots experimenting. So after seeing major growth in the last day. I started to ponder the idea of building a scrog.
So I have a box that's 2'~4' about 8' high. I got two compartments I'm making. I will have the flowering section on top and clone chamber on the bottom. Tomorrow I shall make my scrog out of fishing line 100lb test. My plants are 90 degrees almost horizontal. I will attempt to grow horizontal then vertical.
This is about my fourth grow. All small. Only one I was able to flower and that was Burkle which grew fast. I never used nutrients. This will be my first grow I go technical.
I will be using Fox Farms trio in a couple weeks
Danx for the mojo. My last grow without nutes was horrible. I probably got a eight of smoke. I harvested to early. Way to early. This time I'm here for the long hall. My plant just healed from being topped.

I was going to build a scrog today but I'm going to wait. I just LST all my plants. I'm letting them grow more while they are close to the light. So IM going to put my scrog on delay till my plants get use to growing horizontal.

I did it to some clones a week before I got my plants I have now. I LST them. They started growing real bushy until my homemade shelf fell and broke my root balls. So I got the four I got now. So that's where I'm at today.
good luck with the scrog. it is a game of patience but well worth the wait in the end.
Yup. I pretty much tied down every leaf. I built a side scrog on the right side of my grow box. Soooooo I have a plant that actually broke. I just had three branches. Ok so I just let it go. Know she have three long armc about a foot long so what I'm doing is diverting the long branches to my side scrog. LST IS THE BEST I CAN SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GROWS. THEY GROW WAY MORE STEMS WITH LST. NEVER SEEN IT FLOWER YET BUT THE WAY ITS LOOKING. I WILL HAVE A BUNCH OF MAIN COLAS. Then I had mature clones. The nodes was like two inches apart between nodes. So I topped down all the way to where the nodes was closer together. So what's happening is it didn't get taller it's starting to get bushy. Extra bushy. First try SUPERTHRIVE. SEEMS LIKE THESE PLANTS LOVE IT. I USE IT WITH EVERY WATER WITH AURORA ROOTS ORGANIC. MY COMPUTER BURNED UP. BUT ONCE I GET IT UP I WILL POST THE PICTURES. IM HYPNOTIZED WITH THIS LST AND SCROG.
If you want to do the scrog You don't have to do a lot of LST just because the screen will do that for you as the plants grow. Since you already have them tied down, you can set your screen right where you want it and just let the plants' branches grow right up under it and it will keep them horizontal. You just keep pushing any new growing branches out under the screen as they start to grow up through it. Once the screen is mostly full of branches then flip the light cycle to 12/12. :)
Yup I'm doing LST to make it more bushy. I'm jis experimenting and mastering.
I just figured out how to post pictures with my ipoooooD
Ok this is where I started with.


Tomorrow I will take better pictures since I just learned how to post pictures via URL.
So ok besides LST my plant. I also cut some fan leaves in half to give light to my lower shoots. I hope I didn't mess it up. I did this to my last plant and it kept growing so. We shall see in the mourning. What my babies lOooooken like
Do not cut the fan leaves in half. It can do no real good and the plants are fairly sparse right now as it is. I would also take the foil off the wall. Despite appearances, foil is a poor reflector of light.

Rather than buying more CFLs, you may want to step up to a smaller HPS. You are quite underlit for your space and needing more light, so I do encourage you to check out some HPS systems. Your first light that you said was 300W must be equivalent wattage--I am guessing that it is probably a 65-70 actual watt bulb. So you are burning around 240 watts and getting a little over 16,000 lumens. A 250W HPS (same approx wattage) would give you about 25,000-28,000 lumens--that is 65-75% more light for the same energy usage! In addition, the penetration of a HPS will blow the CFLS away. However for your space you really need a minimum of 40,000 lumens which would require a 400W.
Thanks I'm just rolling with it for right now. I'm growing cfl. My grow box is right next to my bed. My girl wouldn't approve of the humming noise that comes from hps.
greenphene said:
Thanks I'm just rolling with it for right now. I'm growing cfl. My grow box is right next to my bed. My girl wouldn't approve of the humming noise that comes from hps. I'm goin to do another grow somewhere else. That's where I'm going to use hps.

You are going to need to make your grow space substantially smaller then. Your light is good for about 5 sq ft for vegging and 3 sq ft for flowering. Inadequate will result in adequate buddage.

Not all HPS ballasts hum or make noise. Besides, don't you have any ventilation? Fans make far more noise than a ballast.
I got a stand up fan. At night I don't use all the lights. So until I get some blow fans. I open the door to my box and let it blow insid from 6am to about ten at night. Yup yup. I will buy more lights soon. But under my lights they growing good. I'm going to veg lOng enough to get the things I need.

What i do regret is cutting my leaves in half. I'm sure they will recover. Thanks for the info Hemp Goddess:icon_smile:

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