would you rather have cops go by personal beliefs, and experience or the law?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2008
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like there are good cops out there that get it, and won't bust you for less than like an ounce. this is an example of them going by personal beliefs and their experience. or a cop who will bust you for crums. which is an example going strictly by the law

the other side of this if they go by personal beliefs is schmoozing their way into searching people's car or bending people's rights a little bit if they highly suspect something (personal beliefs and experience) and this could potentially save lives when it comes to doing this to gang members and bad people. however if they go strictly by the law they might let these people go because they have no right to search even though deep down they know this guy is up to something bad.
jeffca said:
like there are good cops out there that get it, and won't bust you for less than like an ounce. this is an example of them going by personal beliefs and their experience. or a cop who will bust you for crums. which is an example going strictly by the law

the other side of this if they go by personal beliefs is schmoozing their way into searching people's car or bending people's rights a little bit if they highly suspect something (personal beliefs and experience) and this could potentially save lives when it comes to doing this to gang members and bad people. however if they go strictly by the law they might let these people go because they have no right to search even though deep down they know this guy is up to something bad.

The LAW is the only thing that separates each and every one of US from the criminal, by definition. I think the law prohibiting marijuana is wrong, however, if LEO goes by his own discretion, and not by the letter of the Law, Folks will not be treated fairly/equitably. One of the cornerstones of the US legal system, albeit severely corrupted, is ONE law for everyone.

I think it best if LEO follows the Law to the letter. If the Law is wrong, it needs to be changed for the better!!!!

That said, I am always grateful when I get a break from LEO, phew :rofl:
I would rather have police officers do not have laws to abide for cannabis plant cultivation and usage...
I do agree that as there is one law we are all subject to it, but at the same time, for a cop to let someone go because he feels there isn't a threat with holding less than and oz it shows that there is actually hope out there and even people who are sworn to protect the law realize it is a broken law to begin with.

As much as it sucks, I don't hold it against the cops that do their job and bust people for crumbs either so long as they do it respectfully like they are required to do.

The whole thing is kind of a double edged sword anyway because every time a cop lets someone go for holding they are risking the loss of their job, but at the same time, if they take them in they may be compromising their own beliefs and integrity. Ultimately it isn't the cops that we need to convince that a change is in order. It is the politicians and lawmakers. Slowly but surly we are seeing a greater shift in views so with time and patience things are going to change.

When the rest of these old school baby boomer politicians die off and our generation finally gets into power we will see things change I am sure.
Puffin Afatty said:
The LAW is the only thing that separates each and every one of US from the criminal, by definition. I think the law prohibiting marijuana is wrong, however, if LEO goes by his own discretion, and not by the letter of the Law, Folks will not be treated fairly/equitably. One of the cornerstones of the US legal system, albeit severely corrupted, is ONE law for everyone.

I think it best if LEO follows the Law to the letter. If the Law is wrong, it needs to be changed for the better!!!!

That said, I am always grateful when I get a break from LEO, phew :rofl:

Perfectly stated, PA. :)
I feel the cops should do their jobs and PROTECT and SERVE! I don’t want to be harassed by them. I don’t bother anyone. I live way out in the country. I don’t get all smoked up and drive all over the place either. From what I have seen most cops get all anal about any drug. They want to group them all together. Like my inlaws they roll all the drugs into one category and it is called dope.
Not all drugs are = to grass and never will be. I feel weed is a real gift of God. His prescription for things like bipolar. :hitchair:
I don’t think it is wrong to smoke. I don’t understand the big deal. Can’t people just leave people alone, and mind their own? Will we ever see the day? :doh:

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