No thanks. Pure blood for the WIN. I'm sure the rich folk will pay double to drink my blood now...Mwahhahahahaha...
Military forced vaccinated me against all kinds of sh!t that I never needed. I'm more vaccinated than most people I know that used to cry about me not getting vaccinated (and judge me for not forcing on my family)...which is always funny because I never drop that card. I just let em b!tch... It's about freedom of choice and bodily autonomy. Good luck forcing me.

My body, my choice, as they say.
If you're "vaccinated" then you're "protected". That's what they sold everyone. . .So WHY DOES IT MATTER IF I AM OR NOT BC YOU ARE PROTECTED...RIGHT?

Also... How bout those masks? Idiots in the stores looking like they getting ready to do lawn work and surgery at the same time...meanwhile all those bandanas just made you more sick, and our young kids unable to learn. Good job!!

Do you, but don't force that on me or mine.Now everyone is an epidemiologist and back to our story...then the scared people who operate out of fear like my inlaws (in there late 60s at the time) get the vaccine after getting Covid twice because Drumpf hadn't rushed the shot through yet... So then they got all their boosters, (which booster is just another fancy word for another "vaccine") and managed to get Covid 4 more times ... After alllll those shots.

And the icing on the cake was the brother in law that's 35 and nowhere near my level of fitness telling me to get the jab... "do the right thing he says" Instead of open hand slapping him like the **** he was being...I walked away... 2 months later after that boost, he was in the hospital with myocarditis...Christmas day....sigh. I've been fit my whole life. Been talking about how terrible the obesity rate trend has been for decades at this point... Just yelling into the wind...sigh.
We (my family) got the OG Covid and the Omicron... The end. 1week of feeling a cold and fever per experience.
Safe and effective, I tell ya....
And then there's the whole ** two party narrative about Democrats not taking it if Drumpf made it...and then Democrats demanding you take it or lose your job. Like they tried to get my wife. Republicans with no balls just getting steamrolled like the spineless nerds they are. . . Ron Desantis (who I served with in Iraq) was one of few to do it right, but even he locked it down a while. Big fail. I never locked down. Had the best year of fishing while people were scared to be outside... Sigh.
So nah. Won't forget. Won't forgive those that made it impossible to be with loved ones as they died alone. Won't forgive those who tried to take my wife's REMOTE job for nothing. Won't forgive those who made my family feel like second class citizens for having the freedom and balls to make an unpopular choice because we wanted to have another baby. And we are.
Ya got played. We all did to some degree. Biggest transfer of wealth in US history. Small businesses closed. Lives ruined...and soooo much more... I wonder what they'll come up with to control everyone next...All for what?
Fear. The machine that's actually just one party won again.
I'm not judging anyone... Or telling you what to's your choice, and this is just simply my opinion.
It's easy to QB on Monday morning... But for me.... Give me Liberty or give me Death.
That is all.