Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

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Who is for taking the vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • no

    Votes: 78 70.3%

  • Total voters
Interesting how does one go about receiving that. However, I thought you had the crap. You are immune. Lucky Fk....positive I have had it as well. By the way.....I HATE NEEDLES....they keep showing people getting the shot on tv....gives me a case of red azz

Told you guys about the Pullet getting sick on Christmas day. She went to the doc's the next day, and they tested for covid (93% accurate), and took a swab to send out. Told her she'd just caught a "bug" and sent her home. They texted her a few minutes ago. Positive for covid. She felt like shit for two days, but she's coming out of it. I think she's worried about infecting the Old Hen and me. I'm not.
What I think in hilarious...
Mr. President and his party and the media that kisses his butt are all reversing course on everything they swore up and down on when the orange guy was president because all the same shit that destroyed Orange guys presidency is now working against the current administration. Don't think for a one second this has anything to do with Covid getting better or having to do with an improving public health. They are trying to reverse the narrative becaus polls show the dems are gonna get killed in the mid terms next year. Their covid polices have been wildly unpopular with most average Americans.
This is damage control..nothing more.
What I think in hilarious...
Mr. President and his party and the media that kisses his butt are all reversing course on everything they swore up and down on when the orange guy was president because all the same shit that destroyed Orange guys presidency is now working against the current administration. Don't think for a one second this has anything to do with Covid getting better or having to do with an improving public health. They are trying to reverse the narrative becaus polls show the dems are gonna get killed in the mid terms next year. Their covid polices have been wildly unpopular with most average Americans.
This is damage control..nothing more.

I totally agree with the fact that everything they do is politically motivated….NOT motivated by getting the American people healthy again. They couldn’t care less about that.

Trump was headed in the right direction, but since so many were so bitter against him, they rejected anything he did. Now that Joe is in the White House, if he wants to do the same things that Trump did, the people are behind him….it’s all politics.

And, even if you didn’t like him, he was our president, and his name is Trump, not “Orange Man” (Or any other derogatory name used instead of his name). It’s disrespectful.

***Edit*** I’m curious.. I wrote the NAME of the previous president where it now says “political name”. When I go to edit, the name is there, but it changes it to ‘political name’ when I save it….When I put “joe” in there, it lets that in, but not their last names. It took both their last names & changed them…wow. I think that’s censorship of some kind. What’s the problem with putting in their name? It’s just identifying who you’re talking about. If I put Hillary, Joe, or Donald, it‘s okay…then, I got angry about it and I added three initials that mean What the F, and it deleted that and put *** after I saved it…another censor (BTW, it’s allowed on other forums…another BTW, i do not use foul words, but I’m so ‘upset’, that I did). 😡🤬
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Old Hen came down sick yesterday with the same symptoms. She's going in for the swab and send off test. The clinic says the quickie test is virtually worthless for the new variant. Pullet's test proved that true.
Three in the household and two sick. I'm going to stay health just to piss 'em off!
Mrs Pute now has a sore throat and headache. Temp was normal. Fox news just said that eventually we are ALL gonna get it. It is never gonna go away. Just like the flu. This latest strain supposedly isn't that bad and word is you will be immune once you get it.

I am NOT gonna live my life in fear. I think I have had it but if not .....lets get it on. Fk it....the Army didn't kill me, Mrs Pute hasn't killed me and the car business didn't kill me.....this shitt isn't gonna either.

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