Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

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Who is for taking the vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • no

    Votes: 78 70.3%

  • Total voters
Totally Zeke.. I get ya man.
I know I get pretty fired up sometimes about this stuff. Don't mind me, lol

I have done alot research on this stuff. I hate that I have to do it, but I do.
Ya know, I do not know if this some type of conspiracy we are living through or not, no one can say for sure, certainly not me, BUT..I have never felt the vibes in this nation that I feel now. Something is drastically wrong whether that's a direct result of someone's plan or just the decline of western civilization. Whatever it is, I have to do whatever I can to help steer us back on course, and not from any political view certainly, but from the view of being an American. If I sat on the sidelines while all this ** happened, I would never forgive myself, so I guess maybe some of this is driven by ME.

Thanks and back at you Witchking. I understand and feel your plight, been there myself and on some subjects, I suppose I still am. Nothing wrong with passion, in fact, without it, we grow stagnate.
Why....tell me why I this unknown vaccine doesn't stop you from getting or spreading the virus and the gov't is so demanding on getting it. $$$ hmmmm..... or something else...genocide maybe....seems strange. The vaccine and booster don't offer any more protection than not getting it. I am protected....a symptomatic. Take your shot and shove it.
Why....tell me why I this unknown vaccine doesn't stop you from getting or spreading the virus and the gov't is so demanding on getting it. $$$ hmmmm..... or something else...genocide maybe....seems strange. The vaccine and booster don't offer any more protection than not getting it. I am protected....a symptomatic. Take your shot and shove it.
Could all be placebos and Someone in Gov. is in cahoots with The 3 Big Pharma comps. Man Fortunes were made that day.
I have a question. Don't really need an answer, just something to consider. We talk about respecting one's decision to not take the vaccine but then in the next breath we use derogatory terms to describe someone that chose to take the vaccine, for reasons of their own, whatever they may be.
Not sure who or what terms you're talking about. It bothers me not if someone does or doesn't get the vax. When someone tells me I HAVE to get vaxed, THEN I have a problem.
It's not just the Wuhan flu. I don't get any flu vaccinations. Never have. My wife does every year. We get sick pretty much the same, so why bother?
Note; The wife gets a flu shot every year. She did a hard pass on the 'rona shot. Her choice.
Well Zeke, if you go back to the beginning of the thread you will see that it was the other way around. And Hippie makes a good point. I was called a murderer for not getting the vaccine. As it turns out people who get the shot are just as likely to get sick as a non vaxer. Weather you get the shot or not is your business.....it works both ways.

I am doing exactly what our President told me to do.....before JBiden was president he said he definitely under no circumstances would get the shot. Why has he changed his mind ...... same vaccine....and people are still getting the crap. Take the shot and the booster but wear your mask, stay 6 ft away and do exactly as we say.....fk you!

And yet the southern border is wide open and over a million illegals are now in the country. Non vaxers, murders and drug pushers. Something is wrong and I WON'T BE A PART OF THE B S.
Well Zeke, if you go back to the beginning of the thread you will see that it was the other way around. And Hippie makes a good point. I was called a murderer for not getting the vaccine. As it turns out people who get the shot are just as likely to get sick as a non vaxer. Weather you get the shot or not is your business.....it works both ways.

I am doing exactly what our President told me to do.....before JBiden was president he said he definitely under no circumstances would get the shot. Why has he changed his mind ...... same vaccine....and people are still getting the crap. Take the shot and the booster but wear your mask, stay 6 ft away and do exactly as we say.....fk you!

And yet the southern border is wide open and over a million illegals are now in the country. Non vaxers, murders and drug pushers. Something is wrong and I WON'T BE A PART OF THE B S.
Well Said, they need to stay out of others business and their wishes.
One last point. People who are naturally immune and people who have had the crap and are now immune....why do we have to take it.....these are not proven drugs and your pecker might fall off in a year or so. Before I EVER take something new I always ask my doc about the side effects.....then I decide if I want it or not. NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT THE LONG TERM SIDE EFFECTS OF THESE VACCINES.

I don't dispute any of that, recall that I am not vacced, but it doesn't address my point. Those are just political reasons for not taking the vaccine. And did those that described you as a "murderer" believe that you have a right to your own body? This is the true debate IMO, are you autonomous or are you a ward of the State? Not are you a vaccer or anti vaccer.
Political reasons are only half the reason I haven't gotten jabbed. I think if you read my post again I have personal reasons as well. Unproven, side effects and I have had the crap. Nothing political there.

But in all honesty we are being IMPLORED to take this by a bunch of babbling idiots. Trying to leave politics out of this so I will stop there.

Also read on Epoch News that there is a serous side effect from the J and J vaccine that was just discovered. And one last thought....genocide...the world is over populated.
I don't dispute any of that, recall that I am not vacced, but it doesn't address my point. Those are just political reasons for not taking the vaccine. And did those that described you as a "murderer" believe that you have a right to your own body? This is the true debate IMO, are you autonomous or are you a ward of the State? Not are you a vaccer or anti vaccer.
1st off to think that the only God Damn reason someone doesnt want the fking shot is political is within itself bullshit. I am an Independent. Could give two shits about which side your on. Take the mother fker or dont. But dont tell ppl that they are wrong for wanting the shit or not wanting to get it. The only thing Political about it is that an asshole in the white house Mandated it. Plain and simple. Nobody should be forced to get the fking shot. For example. I have a contractor that everyone one of his ppl got the shots and everyone of them are now home sick with the shit and they cant start a job i needed them back on. OH and one of them is now on Life Support. WTF goods did the shot do him.
I have a question. Don't really need an answer, just something to consider. We talk about respecting one's decision to not take the vaccine but then in the next breath we use derogatory terms to describe someone that chose to take the vaccine, for reasons of their own, whatever they may be.
I got the shot and I still give ppl shit and hope they don't get their panties in a wad. Well actually I don't much care but I try to be understanding.😂😂😂
And the only reason i got the J&J is because i am a federal contractor and the mother fker we spoke about above mandated it. NOW it has been blocked. Too late for me. ALSO, me and my Wife have both had the shit. Its a fking Virus. Shit happens and ppl die every damn day but the Media doesnt cover those deaths.
Zeke. Are you stirring the pot to cook somebody's chicken? Have fun brother because we will.😁
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