Good postings brother Walt.
Mean old fker.

“Yea though I walk through the Valley of the shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil...because I am the meanest mother-f00ker in the Valley.”Good postings brother Walt.Mean old fker.
![]() is to fecking early to be thumbing through my Webster’s to find the meaning of these damn words...
come on man
and I thought I was cool using prestidigitation in a sentence
Don't swallowSick bastard. I just threw up in my mouth a little .![]()
Nice to know....ha is to fecking early to be thumbing through my Webster’s to find the meaning of these damn words...
come on man
and I thought I was cool using prestidigitation in a sentence
Can somebody explay what Walt just said....Thinking I should wear this just to be safe.
Can somebody explay what Walt just said....Thinking I should wear this just to be safe.
Oh Course I jest Mr Walt, we all Love yaNot even sure Walt knows what he says anymore LOL
Maybe its old joe syndrome , my uncle joe had bad dementia when I was a child and I never ever understood why he did some of those things he did do to me.
OUT-fargin-STANDING!!!well here is the way I explay it
Explay is like expat , perhaps foreplay , a pat on the derrière , hi ho the dairy-o
i hope that clears things up
Hopper no need. The guy was here to cause trouble from the get go. One minute talking like a seasoned pro and the next asking how to germinate seeds. All sites have incidents like this. There will be more. That is two this week....last one was making remarks about Texas.
Nice thing is the problem no longer exists for either. They would have done as much damage as they could before ultimately getting shown the door. By the way I have seen much better trolls than either of these two.
Now on with our scheduled shot....oops....I mean least for me.
This is My Doctor in you know why I am hesitant to get the shot