Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

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Who is for taking the vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • no

    Votes: 78 70.3%

  • Total voters
Just got a text from my oldest living friend. He's been in the hospital for the last three days because of blood clots in his legs. Second time he's been there for the same thing. I asked him if he'd been vaxed; I knew his political affliction, so I kinda already knew. He said all vaccines & boosters. Told him he got what folks are calling the "clot shot".
I don't think he appreciated what I said. Easier to keep your head in the sand, I guess.
No idea when he's getting out. He's just happy that they're doing pain management (keeping him doped up). I hope they don't come up with another booster while he's in there. I hate wearing suits.
I am looking across the street at my neighbors house.....all shots and boosters and they are suffering from covid. Looking and my gut....I overate at OutBack....No Vaccines or boosters. Wondering who is having more fun today.

Fauci is in quarantine as well. The grand puba is now a two time looser with all the shots and boosters....

Now I ask you who is the looser here.....me or them.

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My sister and her husband are all quadruple jabbed and both have had the ‘vid for 2 weeks. She actually told me she is glad she is jabbed or her condition could have been worse. My wife and I are unjabbed. Haven’t had the ‘vid that we know of.
My oldest friend went back into the hospital last night. Blood clots again. He'd only been out for 9 days, and now he's back. Of course, being the political perswasion he is, wouldn't dream of blaming it on the four vaxes he's taken. Got him on morphine and Oxycodone, and he's wearing a "mist mask" all day and night for the congestion in his lungs. 5 will get ya 10 that the "broncitus" is really blood clots in his lungs, too.
This shit is going to wind up putting him in a hole, yet he'd jump at the chance to take a fifth booster.

I'm not anti vax. I am anti COVID vaccines.
My oldest friend went back into the hospital last night. Blood clots again. He'd only been out for 9 days, and now he's back. Of course, being the political perswasion he is, wouldn't dream of blaming it on the four vaxes he's taken. Got him on morphine and Oxycodone, and he's wearing a "mist mask" all day and night for the congestion in his lungs. 5 will get ya 10 that the "broncitus" is really blood clots in his lungs, too.
This shit is going to wind up putting him in a hole, yet he'd jump at the chance to take a fifth booster.

I'm not anti vax. I am anti COVID vaccines.
Mass Formation Psychosis is pernicious and all too common…
My oldest friend went back into the hospital last night. Blood clots again. He'd only been out for 9 days, and now he's back. Of course, being the political perswasion he is, wouldn't dream of blaming it on the four vaxes he's taken. Got him on morphine and Oxycodone, and he's wearing a "mist mask" all day and night for the congestion in his lungs. 5 will get ya 10 that the "broncitus" is really blood clots in his lungs, too.
This shit is going to wind up putting him in a hole, yet he'd jump at the chance to take a fifth booster.

I'm not anti vax. I am anti COVID vaccines.
Funny ,my buddy stosh 2 days after turning 70 stopped peeing and devoloped clots and needed to be scoped and spent the night in the Er
got 2 shots and 2 boosters
i dont trust them fockers
Haiti Did Not Vaccinate Its Citizens, The Current Vax Rate is 1.4% — Yet Country Has One of Lowest COVID Death Rates in the World — Weird, Huh and from the poorest nation in the western hemisphere

and new zeeland ns the highest vaccination rate in the world , 84% vaxed I believe but yet has the highest Covid sick people in the world

case closed
Yeah I got Covid the 1st time in Jan 2020. Got the fking J&J shot to keep my job and ended up with the God Damn Covid 7weeks later.😡
Now I don't know if it was Covid or just the fking Flu. That's what the test said I had but how the fk do we know that the test is not complete bullshit and will pick up any protein that is flu related and labeled as Covid.
I think if someone was to investigate the actual Covid Test and prove that it is a bunch of bullshit it would settle all this fking Pandemic crap and show that it is just about lies , money, and power.
I think if someone was to investigate the actual Covid Test and prove that it is a bunch of bullshit it would settle all this fking Pandemic crap and show that it is just about lies , money, and power.
It has already been proven multiple times. No effect. The B-S continues unabated.
Pope Fauchi admitted the other day that the jab isn’t effective against the Moronic/Omicron variant and yet they are still pushing the jab. He has admitted it doesn’t prevent infection or transmission and yet the jab is still a condition of employment for many(including Mrs Fogey who was fired for not getting jabbed up even though the state approved her religious exemption). There is no logic to the jab mandates at all. They just cannot admit it now because the fury will be intense…
My favorite restaurant near my house has a bobble head doll of the Fauch on the greeting desk and a Fauchi meal. I guess I should say my former favorite restaurant. I feel sick to my stomach when I see that phony so I can’t eat there anymore.

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