Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

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Who is for taking the vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • no

    Votes: 78 70.3%

  • Total voters
My daughter works for the state and they had a choice .... shot or get tested twice a week. She got tested twice a week for 6 month until the mandate was lifted ...... still no jab....proud of her.
My wife is a teacher and same story. They swabbed her nose for the flu for 12 months but she never got the experimental shots. She did have stomach problems early last December and wasn’t eating, went to urgent care and they diagnosed her as covid 🤣. We all (kids and us) slept together in our cal king for the next few days as she “quarantined.” Her stomach flu never was diagnosed or treated. She is fine now.
It’s never about the money it’s about personal happiness. I’ve left a lot of high paying jobs for less. You can’t replace your mental or physical health. Not even money fixes that.
And I do not mean to rub salt in your wounds. I’ve made my decision. I’d rather live poor then under thumb.
Haven't had a lot of jobs. Didn't need too. Sorry that you have had to leave so many high paying jobs to make less money. That must suck to live like that. How many high paying jobs have you left and why would you have to do that so many times?
And my mental and physical health are pretty fking good and I'm still at the same job I've had for yrs and have only had to make that decision once in my life,,and I decided to stay. I must be crazy having one job for so many yrs, A?
Sorry about your luck on having to leave all those high paying jobs for so many reasons.
Live can be a bitch sometimes, right bro.😉
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My daughter works for the state and they had a choice .... shot or get tested twice a week. She got tested twice a week for 6 month until the mandate was lifted ...... still no jab....proud of her.
That was not an option for my wife. The kicker is she and all her co-workers had worked for 18 months remotely and the service provided was preferred to be remotely provided by everyone(who wants to leave their house to receive free benefits?). 2 weeks after she was fired, they closed down the office because several of the ‘vaccinated’ employees came down with COVID/the common cold.
That vaccine doesn't stop shit. I've had the Coronavirus twice. The second time 7 weeks after the shot. It's all a bunch of bullshit and all about money and power as usual.
It's like the flu shot so many ppl get every year. It's only about 50% and that's common knowledge, even the CDC will tell you that.
When I was in the service they gave us all kinds of shots. They didn't ask you if you wanted them,,they told you to stand your ass in a line and get them. Who the fk knows what all they were for. And them airguns suck.
By the way OG thats one job you can't just tell them to fk their selves and leave. Your ass would be in jail.😁
I didn't fking flinch. They were on both sides of me. One for each arm. I knew better. Glad I didn't have allergies at the time 😁
My daughter was double vaxed. I think she did it in fear of bringing something home to her mother and me. It was also "mandated" by the fearless leader of my state for people in her line of work.
She came down with the China flu first. Sick as a dog. Her mother (unvaxed) caught it two days later. At more than twice my daughter's age, she was sick, but not nearly as bad. Two days later, yours truly came down with it. I've had colds that were worse.
They both went to the clinic. I didn't bother. Outside of being super tired for a couple of weeks and a nagging cough, it was no biggie. At no time did I feel like I was in danger of checking out.
Haven't had a lot of jobs. Didn't need too. Sorry that you have had to leave so many high paying jobs to make less money. That must suck to live like that. How many high paying jobs have you left and why would you have to do that so many times?
And my mental and physical health are pretty fking good and I'm still at the same job I've had for yrs and have only had to make that decision once in my life,,and I decided to stay. I must be crazy having one job for so many yrs, A?
Sorry about your luck on having to leave all those high paying jobs for so many reasons.
Live can be a ***** sometimes, right bro.😉
I can see your sarcasm; but I also see your anger and regret for feeling like you were forced to take a shot so you didn’t have to make drastic changes in your life 2 years ago.

I’m willing to make those changes. No matter what that is. I’m not getting on a box car. I’m not being forced to be a guinea pig for the government. I will not be told what to do or what’s best for me and my family for “good money.” There is no amount of money. You will have to take a bullet to give me a covid shot.

Careers are jobs too, and there’s always another. You don’t sound happy about your decision to get the jab.
Why would I be happy about it,,but you being willing to move from job to job for even less,tells me plenty. Like I said,,you do you,,, changing jobs everytime you don't like something and I'll continue to make a very good living with my job that I don't need to leave.
Everytime you jump your ass in a car your taking a chance of dying. I don't live like that. I take chances and always have and it has paid off 10 fold.
Now we can fking continue do this if you want but it's not going to change a god damn thing.
You are the type,, according to YOU that has left lots of jobs for much less than a jab. I only leave a job to make more money,,not because I get my panties in a wad.
Wait for it,,wait,wait,,,okay now your turn to say shit that's not going to change a fking thing.
Have fun. I got all day. Now I can't do this shit tomorrow because I have to go to work.😉
I know right.😁 That was funny bro.
The thing is OG. We agree on the Mandate was fking bullshit and we don't like the jab. H.ell we agree totally on politics.
We just don't agree on what we are willing to do to keep our jobs. So how about we just agree to disagree and move on.
I had to delete my last post, as this thread is public and I don’t wanna be on more then 17 three letter agency’s lists.

What angers me most is they forced my fellow countrymen and I to even make that decision.

When that happened 20 mil men should have marched in arms and removed the entire sitting fed.
I had to delete my last post, as this thread is public and I don’t wanna be on more then 17 three letter agency’s lists.

What angers me most is they forced my fellow countrymen and I to even make that decision.

When that happened 20 mil men should have marched in arms and removed the entire sitting fed.
lol. I can’t imagine the post you deleted… ;)

We likely are all on the watch list…
I have trust issues I guess. Haven't had any vaccines. I'll never be able to trust our government. I just keep thinking of all those "cover up stories"..and even further back. Every country invaded, all those natives welcoming with open arms, only to find themselves in chains or burying their loved ones, losing land, liberty, language, cultural beliefs. It hasn't stopped and it will never stop. I don't think there is a limit people will reach. Having power must be very addicting. There's a saying by Thomas Paine.. and I'll probably butcher it but it goes something like this, "I prefer peace, but if there is going to be trouble, let it happen in my time, so that my children may live in peace"
I had to delete my last post, as this thread is public and I don’t wanna be on more then 17 three letter agency’s lists.

What angers me most is they forced my fellow countrymen and I to even make that decision.

When that happened 20 mil men should have marched in arms and removed the entire sitting fed.
Totally fking agree brother. It's fking sickening what the god damn government has been allowed to do too it's ppl. I would join you in a heartbeat but it's not going to happen.
Look what happened to the ppl on the Jan 6th bullshit. They have been in jail without bail for ever and nobody is doing shit about it. To many fking backstabbing pieces of shit.

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