Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

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Who is for taking the vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • no

    Votes: 78 70.3%

  • Total voters
just had a moment of levity. I have decide to take the shot

That was a funny move.
I ended up getting the J&J because I'm a Federal Contractor. And 6 weeks later got the fking Covid for the second time.🤨
I could be wrong but they made one series of vaccine for Covid-19. Every year they need to develop a flue vaccine because each year it's a little different, so it stands to reason the vaccine will not work with different variants. This was all BS and I bet what we have gone through for the last 6 months was the regular seasonal flue.
Six weeks after the second Pfizer pin, this happened. That used to be a heavily calloused hand, but no more. Only a few thousand people had the exact same thing happen right after getting the vaccine, so of course it wasn't the cause. There was even an article denying it circulating in the media. I'll never know.

I am a Project Manager that works in Federal Buildings. I took the J&J to keep my job. I fought it right down to the last minute. Got the shot than the mother fking courts stopped the mandates.😡
I've had nothing but issues since with Afib. Don't know if it was the shot or just circumstance. My Wife says it's the shot. Either way I've had the god damn Covid twice already. Wasn't any different than any other Flu I have had nor did the shot stop me from getting it. 2nd time I got the covid I had gotten the shot 7weeks prior to coming down with the crap. And I have heart problems. The virus didn't effect my heart in the least.
Total complete bullshit. Pandemic my ass. Money, money, money, control, control, control That's all this god damn thing was ever about and most ppl ate it hook line and sinker and I still see fking idiots wearing a mask in their car by themselves. Makes me sick😡
I read more and more about side effects every day. For O'l farts a weekend immune system seems to be what is effecting us.

Hopper that sounds like what you are experiencing. I have a neighbor dealing with the same issues.

I still am jab free with no sign of this shit.

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