Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

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Who is for taking the vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • no

    Votes: 78 70.3%

  • Total voters
Last Saturday my wife was not feeling well she had a headache and sore muscles
and her eyes were bothering her they were watery but felt dry and were burning.
She improved greatly on Sunday and today is back to normal. According to the
internet eye problems with the newest Covid variant are not uncommon.
The same time I came down with what seemed like a bad cold. I went to bed early
and woke up several times with a headache and I had a high fever and the
muscles in my back ached. I slept for fourteen hours something I never do.
I had all the symptoms except I did not loose my sense of taste or smell. Sunday
I felt a bit better my back was still sore and I had no energy. Today I am almost back
to normal.
I thought it might be a good idea to get tested for Covid so I called Northern Health
and went around in circles until I got through to someone. She directed me to a spot
on their website where I could book a test. I filled out the online form and the response
was: Your answers indicate COVID-19 testing is not required at this time.
So I guess I can go out and continue life as usual.
One minute they want everybody to get tested every fargin day and the next they don't. Smells like dead fish to me.

Damn near everybody in my neighborhood has gotten this crap but me......damn near everybody in my neighborhood has gotten all the shots ......except me. Hmmmmm.......Take from that what you will.
Last Saturday my wife was not feeling well she had a headache and sore muscles
and her eyes were bothering her they were watery but felt dry and were burning.
She improved greatly on Sunday and today is back to normal. According to the
internet eye problems with the newest Covid variant are not uncommon.
The same time I came down with what seemed like a bad cold. I went to bed early
and woke up several times with a headache and I had a high fever and the
muscles in my back ached. I slept for fourteen hours something I never do.
I had all the symptoms except I did not loose my sense of taste or smell. Sunday
I felt a bit better my back was still sore and I had no energy. Today I am almost back
to normal.
I thought it might be a good idea to get tested for Covid so I called Northern Health
and went around in circles until I got through to someone. She directed me to a spot
on their website where I could book a test. I filled out the online form and the response
was: Your answers indicate COVID-19 testing is not required at this time.
So I guess I can go out and continue life as usual.
The delta version was the one that you lost taste and smell
Sounds like if you had something it was Omicron version comes and goes fast and you dont lose taste or smell
One minute they want everybody to get tested every fargin day and the next they don't. Smells like dead fish to me.

Damn near everybody in my neighborhood has gotten this crap but me......damn near everybody in my neighborhood has gotten all the shots ......except me. Hmmmmm.......Take from that what you will.
You may have had but it was so mild you did not know you had it.
This was my second go around. Never lost taste or smell but this last one kicked my ass and my Wife's ass. Just now getting over it after 10 days.😡
Just about got this cough thing kicked too. Worse cough I have ever had. It's like taking to big a hit every fking 5 minutes and coughing your ass off until the next hit. Pissed me off to no end.
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That b.itch in charge of the CDC finally admitted that 75% of deaths reported were from ppl with 4 or more underlying conditions. Fking c.unt. Those ppl were already dying.
Fauci is 83 if I'm not mistaken. He is part owner of one of the vaccine patents and gets money
for every injection of that vaccine. A major conflict of interest to say the least.
He is a multi millionaire and will have the largest pension of any american public
servant when he retires. Why would he not retire? GREED?
That b.itch in charge of the CDC finally admitted that 75% of deaths reported were from ppl with 4 or more underlying conditions. Fking c.unt. Those ppl were already dying.
Not only that, last week she admitted most people in the hospitals weren't covid related. Been lying all along.

Who is in charge of this chickenshit outfit. It ain't JBiden. He doesn't know what day it is. They are using him as a puppet and taking all the blame. Must be nice.....ruin the country and pin it on him.

History needs to know who is behind this.
Not only that, last week she admitted most people in the hospitals weren't covid related. Been lying all along.

Who is in charge of this chickenshit outfit. It ain't JBiden. He doesn't know what day it is. They are using him as a puppet and taking all the blame. Must be nice.....ruin the country and pin it on him.

History needs to know who is behind this.
Rhymes with Horos
Not only that, last week she admitted most people in the hospitals weren't covid related. Been lying all along.

Who is in charge of this chickenshit outfit. It ain't JBiden. He doesn't know what day it is. They are using him as a puppet and taking all the blame. Must be nice.....ruin the country and pin it on him.

History needs to know who is behind this.
Follow the money to find the puppet masters. The Rothschild family has controlled the world's economy for centuries. All of the politicians the American sheep keep in office have their hands (fortunes) tied into the chess game those bastards are playing. The only way to break the cycle is to eliminate the world bank and the two party system the sheep line up for to receive their daily bread.

Thank you Benjamin Franklin 😡
Follow the money to find the puppet masters. The Rothschild family has controlled the world's economy for centuries. All of the politicians the American sheep keep in office have their hands (fortunes) tied into the chess game those bastards are playing. The only way to break the cycle is to eliminate the world bank and the two party system the sheep line up for to receive their daily bread.

Thank you Benjamin Franklin 😡
My Wife was talking about that today.

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