hay guys
i was talking to a guy who wants to try out some rhizobacteria-enriched biologically-activated soil,
i am going to grow 4-6 plants 2 with this soil and 2-4 normaly,
ill start a new g.j when the time comes but it should be some intresting stuff!
heres some info about biologically-activated soil,
...markedly increased growth rates (more crops per year for the indoor grower)
...shorter seed-to-maturity times (the high biological availability of nutrients increases plant BMR: basal metabolic rate)
...significantly higher biomass yields (bigger, healthier, more resilient plants): 30% extra growth is not uncommon
...exceptional phytochemical yields: especially as it relates to the more complex phytochemicals such as lycopene yields in regular tomatoes. same could apply to the various cannibinoids (THC; CBD; CBN; THVC; CBC and CBL)
Organic crops grown with a suitably tailored engineered soil often boast many, many times the phytochemical yield of similar intensively grown (fertiliser) crops, sometimes twenty or more times the regular, conventional yield. Although I do not know what effect (if any) this increased yield might have on the ratio of cannibinoids.
it offers the seedlings many times the normal level of soil nutrients WITHOUT the threat of nutrient burn (there is no fertiliser added to my soil.
should be an intrsting experiment, ill be keeping all the results as fair and Scientific as possable,
it may be the soil of the future!