I've been thinking about that some more since I last commented. I said not to put them outside any later than the beginning of March, but perhaps I should have said to wait until March or even April as you said in the first place. I've had second thoughts since my first comment, because I can remember some rather chilly February nights in the past, probably cold enough to harm plants. It could work out as I said before, if you put them outdoors as early as January, but it all depends on the year and what the unpredictable weather might bring. In other words, it's hard to guess what might happen.
Maybe you could start those inside in January and wait a couple months before putting them outdoors? Actually, depending on how much room you have to veg, you could veg those 2-3 months inside before they got too big. I've known people who let their plants get to about three feet tall before putting them outside. Those plants grew into some monster plants.