when does 8 wk flower time start?

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Jun 12, 2009
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I need some input.....so,if I have a plant that has an 8 wk flower period,when do I start my count? My lil babies took 12 days to start " "showing". Do I count those 12 days or not??? Let's hear from some pro's
im no pro but i asked this ? when i first started growing and i was told it start from the day you switch to 12/12 hope this help happy growing:)
fruity86 said:
im no pro but i asked this ? when i first started growing and i was told in start from the day you switch to 12/12 hope this help happy growing:)

:yeahthat: ...... the next day after its switched over to 12/12 is day one of week 1....
JMO but i always count a week later to give the plant time to get into flowering mode before i start my count, usually a week or two and then off to the races but thats just me i guess.
thanx for the response guys,i guess my belladonnas are a little closer to flushing than i planned.that puts my babies more into wk 7 than 5 and a half. i feel lucky!!!!!
couple weeks b4 your estimated time thats recommended by breeder is when i start looking @ trichs w/ a loupe(60x). im w/ dubba also, once stretch is done. always seems that est time is closer when gone this route.
a 8 week strain is probly going to take 9 weeks just a heads up the seed seller info is not always right every 8 week strain i have grown has tuck 9+weeks from switch not from first show
hollo doc. thanx for your op. i just went out and checked...trics are just starting to turn a lil milkey.guess i'll start my flush soon. do you think my organic bat poo will affect the taste of final product.what do ya'll think............
thanx fruity,my first two grows were severely interupted by spider mite infestion,bout killed my plants killing those lil *******, anyways this grow is much better bigger and runnin on time
I always start flowering once reached maturity and then would count, if I could be bothered, the time taken to finish from the switch to 12/12.
tokasmoke said:
hollo doc. thanx for your op. i just went out and checked...trics are just starting to turn a lil milkey.guess i'll start my flush soon. do you think my organic bat poo will affect the taste of final product.what do ya'll think............

i would like 2 no this aswell i have just started on organic
tokasmoke said:
hollo doc. thanx for your op. i just went out and checked...trics are just starting to turn a lil milkey.guess i'll start my flush soon. do you think my organic bat poo will affect the taste of final product.what do ya'll think............

what are you looking at in trichs, as far as color? i like harvest couple plants when just start 2 c amber. then harvest some when 25% amber. this way i have 2 completely diff smoke from same strain(day time & night time smoke). the poop IMO wont effect taste seeing how salts in organics are kept to a bare min. ive not flushed a couple 100% organic grows & weed tasted great.
well fruity... i'm not real far from finding out.i'll let you know how mine turns out k?
Your plants must be sexually mature before you can start counting the days of flower. If you put a plant under 12/12 and it is not mature than it will not bud right away.

As long as the plant is sexually mature I always count from the first day of 12/12.

good luck hope you end up with sumgood smoke happy growing:)
hi doc...i too am looking to harvest a couple of diff. times as well. i will harvest some when a few trics turn amber and the rest about 10 days later.
but will cont. to flush with my 0-12-0 bat poo. my buds love that ****....
yes fruity...belladonna is a very fine smoke, you can hit it pretty hard and not blow yer lungs out. really tight buds and i like to top the tips of the buds about 10 days into flowering, i get three buds instead of one.ever try this????
yes i did it on my last haze i might have to try this belladonna for my next grow where can i find this strain?
toka just flush w/ plain ph'd water. i misunderstood ur ?. IMO ur just wasting the poop. when flush time comes around your flushing to get plants to use all available food up thats stored w/in em. so you get a nice smooth smoke.
tokasmoke said:
yes fruity...belladonna is a very fine smoke, you can hit it pretty hard and not blow yer lungs out. really tight buds and i like to top the tips of the buds about 10 days into flowering, i get three buds instead of one.ever try this????

Exactly what are you talkimg about when you say that you top the tips of the buds? IMO, this is not a good thing to do 10 days into flowering--it can severely affect your harvest...

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