Whats your stalk look like?

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420benny said:
pp, you got the Thai right. Here they are
Thai SS 1, (lovely tiger stripes)
Mango 2
Mean green 3
NL Skunk 4
Big Bang 5
That was my next guess precisely :p ! :D
okay finally after she starts to bud and lose leafs...ya can see my Mother plant stalk...and My crystal is almost the Corona size..will post some of those later she just starting to bud..:D take care and be safe:bolt::bong:


:hubba: dang thats one heck of a trunk 4u
i cant wait for next year. im a flower out my current mother outdoors .
only this time i aint gon even whisper to myself that even a fly will hear me bout where my grow is. lol
i got all winter to finger out a plan tho .
how big was she right be4 you put her outside. trunk/stalk wise?
she was in a 20 gallon container..and i say stalk was only 1 inch maybe 1.5 round...and was put in earth on 4/20:hubba: and she became a Narley looking beast huh? Good luck on finding that spot...

the more remote and off beating path is what to look for..also water near by...only go plot 2 times a month...and use diffrent paths if ya can...allways looking for taces of someone walking around..give a shout if I can help okay? take care buddy..:bong:
I'm actually turning mine into a cane for myself. Pics 2 come~
i wouldn't believe that stalk was from a MJ plant if i couldn't see the leaves, 4u!!!!

that is almost as large as my "stalk". ;)
Smot_poker said:
i wouldn't believe that stalk was from a MJ plant if i couldn't see the leaves, 4u!!!!

that is almost as large as my "stalk". ;)

throw it up here my friend I wanna see...My crstal stalk is like Hicks Now..I just need a corna bottle:rofl: I dont drink that crap..but made for a cool pic ...

meds4me...do ya think the walking stick will hold for yrs? I may make one as well...;)
4U: I dont know but should be a fun lil project. Gonna strip her bark off and then clear coat it after she's good n dry.

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