Whats your stalk look like?

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This was taken about two weeks ago, I think. Not sure if I put it in my journal. Will take Stalk pics next time I am have the camera out there.

I always wondered what other folks stalks looked like;) .

I really like that corona stalk....real big...:hubba: Nice one Hick. But then I have admitted I have size issues in the biggest plant thread.:hubba: :hubba:

LST stalk.JPG
Very nice--STALKERS!

Okay, you're right: if I had a really biggun, I'd be showing it off. But we all know it's not the size of your stalk, it's the..okay, it's the size of your stalk. I'm humbled.
1. This is the same stalk, I think, that I posted above. This Pic was taken a couple hours ago.
Totaly Twisted.:D
2. Seven foot five Blueberry stalk, nothing to write home about, not bigger or smaller than most others in the garden.
3. Nothernlights stalk. This would be the newest clone in the garden.

a stalks 3.JPG

a stalks 4.JPG

a stalks 1.JPG
Well i don't have any pics right now but mine is round and green with some tan-ish brown to it and it grows a lot of side shoots off .....:D sorry i had to do that i just feel like being a snot today LOL ;)
4u, do you really wanna see my stalk? lmao Let me check my pics from last year. I had one mother sativa with a BIG stalk. Pornstar big. I will search. If not, I will take some pics of my ones in the ground. Maybe we can play guess the strain? lol. I will do that. I'll post several and you guys have to put the correct name on them. I'll be back.
My Bubblegum......felt kind of guilty lifting her skirt. :eek: :p

0831 008.jpg
Doesn't look like it wants to go again for 4
After searching through over 1400 pics, I gave up. I know I have last years pics somewhere, but benny put them in a safe spot, so he can never find them again. Here's some from this morning. 1.2 and 5 are in full wine barrels cut in half, for size reference. The choices for strains are Mean green, NL Skunk, Mango, Thai SS and Big bang. Which is which? Two of them are very pretty stalks.





Benny...is the #5 pic the Mango? just guessing since it is the Greenest Stalk and pretty darn big.:cool:

Check out my attempt at LST. It got big.:D

8 28 LST.JPG
Nope, Mango is #2. Mine is very purple on the stalk and fan leaf under sides. Cool stalk. Lime green with purple stripes.
does this make you all "STALK"ers :rofl: jp :)

NICE STALKS! guys/gals
Benny is # 5 the nl ? # 1 Thai SS ? And MG #4 ? Hoo RAH !
pp, you got the Thai right. Here they are
Thai SS 1, (lovely tiger stripes)
Mango 2
Mean green 3
NL Skunk 4
Big Bang 5

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