The seedlings are growing up, might have to move them from the airpots to smartpots soon! Satori, Tahoe Buddha, OG 18 (again...looking for another pheno) to name a few! I'm not too worried about the others (freebies, no expectations), but we'll see! I love this grow in that I have already grown and tried several strains, have grown out a few strains and learned their characteristics, and have learned a lot along the way!! THANKS MP and all you helpful members, not thinking I'd be this far along without ya....and I know, I've got tons more to learn!
Harvests are coming up fast, looks like 4-5 racing to the finish line as I type!! OG's, a Satori and some others that I forget about....makes for a fun time when you bring them up and check the tag lol...and as that implies (and as I've said before), I do not know the "age" of most of these gals...only a general idea....and go purely by trichs. Not sure if this is the ideal way to play, but I know it keeps me from wanting to take samples or try to harvest early (some may see 8 weeks and think that's when to harvest...regardless of trichs)....
Another hot hot hot day (supposed to reach 104 today actual), then a cooldown...WHEW! My a/c's need a break...and so does this fat ol' man!!