:ciao: pua...how's the surf?? I envy you, my friend, I loved Hawaii on my one short visit and would be there more often save for my back and knees not agreeing with the loooong flight. Appreciate the kind words, my friend!
Golf league in a few hours, then more trimming to be done! I'll curtail the hash smoking until the job is done, this time :rofl: Seems I got hungry last night....but forgot...there was leftovers in the microwave still.
Another week and another gal, but I have a few that can be finalized...the ones I put down there to tighten up after initial trim. I think there's a mere 6 left not counting the ones getting beefier. Then we will have a cleaning party, a rebuild and refurnish party and finally a refill of the room for another round!
The veg room is full once again, clones all over the place as well as the larger clone gals which are now nice and lush! My thought is to take the larger ones out to the greenhouse for storage and further veg (making more room for new clones in veg room) while awaiting the finish and cleaning of the bud room, then I can move them down...if they're not monsters already. I know, I know, I said I was buying a tent and almost did....but a greenhouse got in the way. Tent is on the back burner, I think I can finally get my neighbor to run proper electric and I will be able to expand the basement...meaning no need for a tent! It's a crazy life here, things change as fast as the weather...but we're still having fun!!
THANKS for visiting!!