What method of smokin yur smoke do you like best?

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Mostly pipe smoker, use the dug out occasionally, it's a homemade one that works well but can jam up quickly. Made a vaporizer from the light bulb and plastic drink top method and it works very well! Have a wee small water pipe that's nice to use when the harsh stuff passes through, ice chips make it cooool. Joints are mostly for those in my circle who think THAT"S the only way to go. Personally I don't care for the paper taste. Yeah, you can taste the diff. Made a bong out of one of those 4 foot tall Noel electric candles you see around christmas time. Worked great but it needed a BIG bowl and had to be passed and puffed by a couple folks before the tokes started coming, very LARGE chamber to fill! :bong:
Happy highs everbodeh!
Personally I would rather have a joint than anything but... I was in Amsterdam last summer and I tried a vaporizer... OMG now THAT is the way to go!!! :D
I like hookah, I mix cannabis with juicy shisha, let cannabis to soak the juice for a day in a cool place then place it in my bowl, slow smoke, kicks in later but more powerful and just relaxing...
I like solar smoking... All you need is a bowl, a magnifying glass, and a sunny day. Only problem can't do it at night. Try it sometime I think you will enjoy it.
Or my small water pipe. But when I have company I useally roll one for each of us to smoke, no passing, so you dont have to deal with any Bogarts.LOL

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I regularly smoke a Glass Bong. :bong1: If away from home I like my little one-hit pipe
:ccc: :afroweed: :bong1: :joint: :bongin: :bong: :smoke1: :bong2: :48:
Tokin Some Bud!
i'll take a j anytime. nothing better than a j when its rolled right. smooth and slow burnin, mmmmmmmmmmmm! its good!
i love me a vanilla dutch. *** is a hot knife or roOr? lol srry for the nooby question. is hot knife anything like spoons? put the spoons on the stove this there both red hot put ur bud iun between press em together and inhale like crazy.

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