Water PH Level

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Hi All,

Is it normal for ph level to drop after water has been sitting for a week? I had some water saved up in bottles marked which ph level reading (6.1 - 6.4), today I noticed that the leafs have started to droop downwards, I checked the water ph level and noticed it dropped 1.5 to 2.0 ph levels. Has anyone else noticed this or do you all check your ph level daily?

I am also on the first week of flowering phase, so I have increased my ph level to 6.5 - 7.0 is this okay?

Last question... Is there any pro's or con's on slowly changing your light settings from 24/0 to 14/10 and down slowly to 8/16 compairing to 24/0 to straight 12/12???

Thanks yall for your help...
Typically I've noticed it will drop if you leave it sit around.. You should not mix up water to be used later anyways... especially if using hydro nutes..

The only con of going slowly w/ the lights is it takes longer. There is no point to go slowly, unless u like changing the timers all the time =)
If light is hitting the water in the bottles, you may be growing algea. That would alter the pH. If you're using a hydro setup, nutrient use may be the reason. Tell us more about your grow.
Hi thanks for the reply, yes the bottle has been sitting being used and its for soil, im sure light would be hitting it, its not really sitting next to the plants under the light, but near by. I have made an effort to use the water from that day only to water the plants.

Thanks again,
in hydro systems, typically, the ph should be anywhere between 6.3-7.0. It depends on your grow setup. My aeroponics are supposed to be around 6.3-6.5, I don't ever let it go above that. I also use water from the store out of the purification machines then add nutes. I had to learn the hard way on not storing up water so I didn't have to go back and forth to the store every two days, but you gotta do what you gotta do. My new box uses a condisation line to route the water back into the resavoir.
why would you want 8 light and 16 dark? = 8/16 some peeps increase the light in the last 2 weeks to 14/10 but run the risk of changing the plants thoughts of dieing. maybe creating hermies. 12/12 works great.
Hi All,

I got the idea from this website reference http://www.marijuanapassion.com/The-Flowering-Phase-of-the-Marijuana-Plant.html

Second paragraph says "The 24/0 light cycle is changed at this time. This can be changed to a straight 12/12 cycle, or it can be set at 14/10 and slowly adjusted until the 12/12 cycle is reached. Some growers will take the light steadily back to a 10/14 schedule, or even as far back as an 8/16. This depends on each grower`s preference. "

and my question what are the pro's/cons in this lighting schedule??
better pm the mods or admin with this 1. all i can say is eeeeekkkkkkkk.
Astra - i'm with ya on that one... why smash something that works perfect? 12/12 is great..
How many days of the year does a comfy 12/12 split of day and night occur?

Come on...how many...

Okay...now if it's so perfect...why do plants grown outdoors do as well as they do on such a naturally occuring, varied amount of light and dark each day? They lose roughly 90 seconds of daylight...while gaining 90 seconds of night...every day.

Travel down past the equatorial line and the process is flip flopped until the coming of the next vernal equinox.

12/12 works yes...but is it the perfect schedule...no...it's just the easiest.

Our plants do not follow our 24 hour clock.
Our plants do not follow our calendar.
Our plants do though adapt and react to the environment we provide.
yup yer right will, BUT this is fer outdoor grows. we are talkin indoor therefore we use 12/12 just like we dont use outside soil and import insects into the grow room. nor do we water from the sky/ceiling. there comes a point.
Thats cool, I think I have a better understanding... So the real answer is there is no professional gain from changing the light schedule back to 8/16 except that you will save a few dollars at the end of the month on the hydro bill... So its not really the growers preference, its how cheap the bastard is...

Doesn't the 8/16 effect how fast or slow the buds come out compaired to 12/12 lighting indoors or how much buds actually come out for maximum yeild???
Anyone ever heard about digital timers that follow with the light of day? As in...automatically adds a smidge of light or dark each day?

And if there isn't such a thing available....I'm headed to the patent office!
ih8myx, 8/16 might just give you hermies real quick. and will - they are called advance timers but i have not seen them in years. popular 10 -12 years ago but were expensive. were a pain to set properly. but now with digitals? hhhhmmmm you may be on to something.

maximum yeild is how LONG you flower without chopping.
"maximum yeild is how LONG you flower without chopping."

I was reading that some buds will mature faster then others, I have also read that you can cut that mature buds and leave the rest to mature, is this true?

Also I have read when drying the buds to remove the leafs first prior to drying so that its less work later on.. Do most of yall do this?
I dont know why any one would spend the extra money for a timer like that, its a good idea but sounds expensive for only 90 seconds of day/night difference, I guess the real advantage would be how tall you want it to grow, most indoors have limited height restictions and want the buds as quickly as possible. I believe its faster to set the lights on 24/0 and then later when ready to flower to 12/12.

90 seconds a day works out to 45 mins a month, worst case senerio is to set timer by slowly adding 45 mins longer of day light on the timer for 3 months and minus 45 mins after the 3 months, but I don't think Id want a 5 foot plant in my closet LOL... or if you want to go further technical instead of 45mins a month, 15mins every 10 days...

Thanks all for your help...
W ï l l said:
How many days of the year does a comfy 12/12 split of day and night occur?

Come on...how many...

Okay...now if it's so perfect...why do plants grown outdoors do as well as they do on such a naturally occuring, varied amount of light and dark each day? They lose roughly 90 seconds of daylight...while gaining 90 seconds of night...every day.

Travel down past the equatorial line and the process is flip flopped until the coming of the next vernal equinox.

12/12 works yes...but is it the perfect schedule...no...it's just the easiest.

Our plants do not follow our 24 hour clock.
Our plants do not follow our calendar.
Our plants do though adapt and react to the environment we provide.

Is 12/12 the perfect schedule? Probably not, but it is a lot quicker then slowly putting the time back. I've never heard of anyone complain of the taste or quality or level of high because of using 12/12
yes and yes. its called selective harvesting; you remove the buds as they mature and light then can reach the inner bud. DO NOT REMOVE LEAVES.

when we trim, prior to drying; all the leaf is removed and goes to hash production. we dont smoke shake. the stem and stalk is discarded plus roots.

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