trying to get my ventalation right please help

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Active Member
Mar 20, 2009
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Just finished my first indoor grow. It was a sucess but I just used osalating fans and an open door for ventilation and air exchange which worked great but the next grow will be going into winter and this is in an unheated part of my house so i can't leave the door open. I know I need to exchange the air but most of the info i'm reading is for southren climits. I am in eastren canada and it gets cold very cold. How do I draw cold air into the room without freezing the plants? I'm assuming that your intake fans would run less often but i keep reading that you need to exhange the air in the room ever 5 min.
how do others have there rooms set up ? or does eveyone have a co2 generator?

Please help
I have a little RV heater I use when it gets chilly (I live in FL) but it would heat a moderate size grow space in O Canada!
Our home and native land!..., I would think. Look on ebay for small electric heaters. Molsons, eh? Are you a Red Green fan?
I have a few little heater. Part of life up here. If I draw air in thats -20 or30 c its going to freeze those plant if I still am changing the air every 5 min as i've read. What Im thinking is that i would run the ventalation in short bursts as to not draw in too much cold at one time but will this keep enough co2 in the room? Would thi work?
1st- GO to a home supply store and pick up this:
Turn your grow area into a sealed iGLOO.

2- Get a bigger light that will heat the room up. Then put an exhaust fan on a timer to exchange the air as often as needed - as to not over/under heat the room. It takes some trial and error and paying close attention. Your yield increases, your heat issue is fixed.
OGKushman said:
1st- GO to a home supply store and pick up this:
Turn your grow area into a sealed iGLOO.

2- Get a bigger light that will heat the room up. Then put an exhaust fan on a timer to exchange the air as often as needed - as to not over/under heat the room. It takes some trial and error and paying close attention. Your yield increases, your heat issue is fixed.

Thanks. the light i have heats the room with is already insulated but can that product go on the floor?
I was concerned about when the lights go off adn that the draw of cold air ,may effect the plants. I am looking at dividing my current room as it is too big and i have some tempary walls up so i can veg in the same place to have so light related heat on all the time.

How often do my plants need the air exchanged? any sugestion woul be great
sounds like you need timers.

Also at home depot pick up a REMOTE WEATHER STATION ~30$. Put sensor in your room. It will relay back your info to inside your house about temp, humidity...

put timers on exhaust fans. Vent at night 1 time for only 1-2 min in the middle of the night. Then have fan come on after light does.

Weather station lets me see whats goin on in the garage when im couchlocked from the OG!

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