trash can!!!!!!!!first time grow question

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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2006
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ok im finally ganna do it. im ganna grow for the first time:D im ganna get a g from a frend and i asked him to put a lot of seeds in it. my plan is to juss veg in a rubbermaid box under a few daylight cfls. then cut clones from the female and put about 7 in one of those 32 gallon trash cans SOG style. im ganna put four half inch holes on the bottem of the trash can. 2 cpu fans on the top with a homemade scrubber. im still wondering wut light i should get. i can either get a 100w hps security light at homedepot for 70 us dollars or 5 26w cfls hooked on top of the trash can lid. rite now i dont hav money and the hps is too pricey but i really would prefer that over cfls. should i juss save up for hps or juss get cfls? ya'l can tell me wuts wrong with dis setup and wuts ok. and can anyone help choose between cfls and the 100w hps security light? o and should i paint the inside of the trash can flat white or should i juss tape the whole inside with foil tape? please ppl i need yur opinions soon cuss im ganna buy the supplies dis weekend. thank u
ya, you need more planning. get it down pat. get the light. then the plant, learn to clone and go from there.
why the trouble of a garbage can and rubber made box, just some plastic pots, I bought mine at the dollar store holds about a gallon or so, and fluro lights at home depot, they had the four foot double lights on sale for $8.49 and I bought some plant fluro lights at $7./each
im ganna be putting seven 6 inch pots inside the trash can. soil NOT hydro
I know nothing of 26w cfls.. or security lights... I can only say what I think you should do.
wut do u mean astra? and i changed my mind on the trash can and SOG setup. i juss recently learned that you get in more trouble for the number of plants u have. "wich all of u aready kno". so now im thinking of geting a 2ft deep 2ft wide 3ft high cabinet and seperate it into two sections. on for the veg and clone and the other for flowering. prolly cfls in the veg and two 70w hps for the flowering section. two plants for each section in a scrog style. still dont have enough info even tho ive been researchin for bout a month so got of lot of reading to do b4 i start. and do u guys think its safe to juss walk in to a homedepot and get two security lights? are they ganna b thinkin wtf is that kid ganna do with not one but TWO security lights? i look soo young for my age. even wen i drive they look at me cuss i look too young to drive. i hate lookin so young. anyways they cant do nothing bout that rite? or should i juss get one 150w light for less suspicion??
go to a farm and garden store and get some 6mm black/white poly and build yer own closet with it and some 2 x 4. use screws to buid a frame at least 5' high and 4' x 3' and yer off.
if i cant find a cheap tv stand or cabinet ill do that
one thing ive learned on my first grow...if you cant afford everything youll need there is no use in have to get everything right in the environment to even consider it. i think ive got about 700 bucks in my first grow. i guess ive always thought if your gonna do it at all you might as well do it right! but i guess i have heard of people doing it much much cheaper...sorry. just wanted to add another post to my record! lol good luck and if it is possible then i know that this fourm can make it happen! maybe i just like to throw money at my problems.
yeah im not ganna be all dat seriosly about it and put my whole life into it. i would if it was legal HELL YEA i would shit. but its not so i juss wanna try it out and see how it goes. can any help me where i can get fertilizers??i only have a walmart and homedepot. wut kind of ferts should i get??????
I've been using white poster paper from Wal-Mart on the inside of all my grow boxes. It's real easy to thumb tack this stuff to either wood or sheetrock surfaces. It's 100 times EASIER than painting for me. I painted one of my boxes when I first started growing and got more paint on me than I did the box. It also comes in several different pre-cut sizes. Cheap. Easy. The reflective quality is comparable to anything I've ever used. :cool:

Day 80 vegbox2.jpg

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