whats up razorback. yup those cfl's sure do the job. the thing that i would have done diffrent though is cut the bottoms off the 2 liter containers and taped them back on. this way i could have just untaped them and put them in the other pots. when i cut the bottoms off with a razor blade i cut the roots and thought for sure i killed them but got lucky. each plant will have 9 tops or so. i just hope they are females. i think i'm gonna put them into flower next week. will see. glad i brought some motivation your way.razorback said:Dayum Grunt!! That was done exclusively with the CFL "pigtail" lights that were first shown in the blue box? And instead of transplanting you simply reset the small pots into the slightly larger ones to let the roots excape" simular to NFT? Proof of the pudding is in the eating and you are on the downhill stretch to a nice Bowl of it!! I recently had some G13xbsh and for the hell of it started them under the same sort of setup, I was amazed at how vigorous they became. They went outside with no probs, but the growth slowed down large. you saw what I used to do outside, cant lift those big 15 gallons around anymore, think ill try your method start to finish, thanks for the motivation!!! nice!