Too many plants

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New Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Hello all,

I am a new grower, but am well informed now. I made a (what might be) a critical mistake with my first planting and put too many seeds in one container. I have about 12 6inch wide containers with 22 plants in them (about 5 inches tall now) Some containers only have one plant but some have as many as 6 growing only 1inch apart.:eek:

Will this be a problem later? (they all look very healthy right now) If this will be a problem, is there anything I can do about it?

Thank You,

You will be overrun in no time if your not prepared. They will get scrawny and stringy as they compete for light. You will need to remove multiple seedlings per pot to one per....... Remove all but the strongest looking one in each. The roots will grow together and you will have a mess. Bud production will not be greater. In fact, it will be less if any decent bud when it's too crowded. Smallest space for each plant is 1 square foot, but that is still too small. 2.5 to 3 square feet per plant is better.

You will need more plants at first, because you will have males in your group that will need removing.

Good luck.......
First, thank you for your response. I really hate to kill any of these wonderful plants, can i snip them off and use a root agent to regrow roots and try putting them in their own container? I was planing on putting all the plants into 3 gal containers in a few days when my room is completed. if I snip the weaker (smaller in this case) looking plants and put them in water with a rooting agent, will they regrow roots to replant? If so, where would be the best place to snip them (at base, at node, etc)? It seams to me that trying to reroot them even if risky is still better than killing them.

Again, thank you for your help.

you can transplant them. just dig each seperate plant out, making sure you get the complete root-ball, then into your 3 gallon pots-as previously stated, one to a pot.
what`s your set-up like, i.e lighting,soil, etc?
expect a 50/50 ratio with the males-females, you may get lucky and get a majority female, or vice-versa.
good luck man.

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