Greetings! Soil I'm using now is plain top soil (Gardeners Pride from Lowe's) playground sand, and some perlite. Using FloraNova Grow and Bloom as only nutrients. My tap water is 7.0 ph period, I have just been flying with that. These are my weak points, on 4th grow I guess now. Having leaf problems in my grows, leaf edges curling up, tips curling up and leave dry and crumbly. I AM FAMOUS FOR OVERWATERING... I have drowned many, many seeds and new plants. I have been cautious of that this time but some plants grew nicely, others weak and slow growing
plus SOME HAVE the nasty leaves (6 weeks or so into flower) . I have one each 600 watt HID, and 600 watt HPS, 2 x 4 x 5 foot tent with good temps and proper ventilation and air movement. Mandala seeds (the 20 per pkg assorted leftovers). I buy the cheap seeds because of my ****** results getting from seed, to plant, to harvest. I am looking for something I can get easily, a do-it-all type soil start to finish deal. I have digital ph meter and ph down but only used few times. Believe me I have looked at a million sites with leaf problem photos, etc. and the same on soil mixtures. I am going on 66 years of age, been enjoying high times for 43 years. Been a novice grower for about 2 years or so and am realizing I need better soil and water before next time. *I have been using 5 quart square ice cream plastic buckets, could be too small?? MANY THANKS
plus SOME HAVE the nasty leaves (6 weeks or so into flower) . I have one each 600 watt HID, and 600 watt HPS, 2 x 4 x 5 foot tent with good temps and proper ventilation and air movement. Mandala seeds (the 20 per pkg assorted leftovers). I buy the cheap seeds because of my ****** results getting from seed, to plant, to harvest. I am looking for something I can get easily, a do-it-all type soil start to finish deal. I have digital ph meter and ph down but only used few times. Believe me I have looked at a million sites with leaf problem photos, etc. and the same on soil mixtures. I am going on 66 years of age, been enjoying high times for 43 years. Been a novice grower for about 2 years or so and am realizing I need better soil and water before next time. *I have been using 5 quart square ice cream plastic buckets, could be too small?? MANY THANKS