BuddyLuv said:
You are not lying when you put Micro Grower in your Sig. I am way to clumsy to work in a space that small. You seem to have it down. Green Mojo
Hehe yea I know it sure is tight in there! My mission now is to get a plant filling that space with bud! Gonna be a while though... Gonna be sometime middle of january this OCF will be ready, then I will defo have a LR Mint girl in flower for my med grow, but if the film canister OCF turns out to be male then I will slowly up the time that the lights are on after I have harvested this girl from 12/12 to 18/6 and then i can use the male for pollen (if its a decent one) and the auto med girl should be ok with a gradual light change. I just really wanna get one of these OCFs vegging until she's a good canopy and then get her budding to fill the space! :hubba: If the film canister OCF is female, then I dunno. Its a good month or 2 away yet anyway so we'll see.
Thanks everyone for stopping by

She's good...I haven't moved her around much recently but have stuck my nose in between her bits and she smells musky and skunky up close at the moment. Could smell her when I walked into my room last night

but she isn't overpowering the room (yet!

Hope everyone had a good weekend and is making the most of the week. I found out at the weekend that an old friend of mine who was only a year older than me committed suicide over a year and a half ago! :holysheep: He was a strange lad, always wanted more than friendship off me, was very unstable, one minute flattering me then the next being really nasty. He drove me mad sometimes, and with my depression he was just not good for me so my folks told him not to contact me while I was struggling so much. I guess he was really struggling too. I wasn't really close to him, but I know (at least for a while) he loved me and wanted me and its strange trying to get my head around it all. I just wish I could speak to him again, now when i'm so much better than I was back then, so much maturer, I wish I could listen to what he needed to talk about. No one deserves that. Poor guy. I wish I could say so much for his parents..but from what I hear their acting like he never existed, and its so sad. Ahh I dunno. I have no idea what its like to have kida, let alone lose one of them. But I do have a friend who lost their 24 year old boy a few years ago who was also a friend of mine, so I know what they went through. Something just doesn''t feel right with this though.
Anyway, I can't dwell on what I have no control over... So tonight me and the boyfriend will be setting up the Christmas Tree!! Not a real one

I LOVE real trees, but they are just so expensive over here this year, so we got a big fake tree instead. Still its good fun.