the ceramic "filter" is the key
its not really a filter its more a buffer between the flame and the herb
the flame heats the air that passes through the "filter"...
the ceramic never gets as hot as the flame thus the air passing through the herb isn't either.
I've rewritten this post about 10 times and I still am not getting it right...
All I can say is, if used correctly, the herb is NOT burnt just "browned" like any other vaporizer.
Rather than a digital thermometer regulating a heating element, YOU have to adjust the temperature of the air passing through the herb by manipulating the flame and your rate of inhale.
With no temperature readout, you have to FEEL the "smoke" and this is where practice and the learning curve kick in.
It's (rather) easy to overheat the herb which will then combust (assuming you get it THAT hot)
Once you know how that feels (and tastes...yuck) you "know" not to heat things that much...
On the other hand, exhale NOTHING and you didn't get it hot enough.
now just learn to "shoot the middle" between those two and your vape'n!