You guys are all correct. We are getting rid of things that are just plain foolish. There is too much stuff here that is in no way related to what the original dream of this site was.
We just started asking ourselves what are we all about here ? The answer just kinda jumped up and bit our butts.
The fact is this site is all about;
1. Sharing, not taking.
2. Teaching, not squelching
3. Showing, not hiding
4. Encouraging, not tearing down
5. Being up front, not hiding
6. Uplifting, not destroying
So with those thoughts in mind, we are committed to sticking with our favorite subject. The Growing and Cultivation of Marijuana, and all the fine points concerning the further work with it.
The trash that we will be sweeping away will be very obvious to all. Garbage is just that, garbage.
Posts will stick to the subject, and anything in the coffee table that is designed to tear down will just go away. We are all about lifting one another, doing right by one another, and exercising patience as all good heads usually try to do.
I'm sure you guys can see where we are trying to get with the site, and now we likely will be getting a much better server to boot.
A healthy shared vision of this site, might be the idea that this site is very akin to a living library as there is always someone here that is willing to help someone else should a growing question be asked.
I am not especially into hydro, I like soil, so that is a area that I'm fairly good at, and in truth again there will surly be someone around who can, and will give an intelligent answer should a question pop.
Pics are great to enjoy for all involved here. I also understand that folks can, and do find themselves with a following which is all good, and cool, as long as we don't degrade ourselves back down to a level where we start tearing away at someone cause maybe they said something that we don't like.
As a whole, we are all above that sorta garbage, and that indeed is some of what will be disappearing fast.
I'm excited, that the site is growing, but it's all of you guys that make the site what it really is.
I get lots of private Pm's from guests and members alike that speak of how wonderful someone was that helped with a snag that they had in their grow, and don't think that anyone here is above asking for some help or advice now and again, cause I'm here to tell you that I goof up with the best of them, and can pooch something in record time.
The asking, the answers, the sharing real time pics, the hurts, the huzzahs are what we are all about here. It's called reality, and even though we all like to escape now and again, we all have a commonality here, we like good smoke, and growing it too.
I would like to pass on something that I believe is good medicine for all here. Take many moments out of your day to laugh, Share many a good word to all that hear you, and try to pull off at least one good deed a day that no-one is aware of but you. Then, when you have the chance to burn one, reflect on the day, and see yourself get healthier by the moment, physically, spiritually, and mentally.
Fair warning though, folks will tend to start to want to congregate around you to feed off of your own joy, you must teach them how to feed themselves, or you will be consumed...That's truth...
smoke in peace