The system is failing?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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I noticed a while back how regular jobs are becoming progressively more just not worth it and consuming to the employed. They are working from bed literaly. Buying a house is a lifetime dream. People are too greedy i am sick of it, any raise or improvement in pay will be surpassed by prices rising and more people are just giving up on it. It is more than ever appealing to just let go and be whatever comes, jobless homeless or jailed. Meanwhile the majority of the employed are becoming more and more miserable. What is happening in your opinion?
These kids nowadays ain’t got the work ethic that their forefathers did.
They would rather let the system collapse around their ears, than bust their ass to support it.
I ain’t all that sure that I blame them.
I think that this economic system that we live under is primitive and oppressive. Some people do not have the skills to make money. The current system suggests that we teach people to be employees to the boss. Well, the competition for jobs and unemployment means that these employees will always be overworked and underpaid. It is obviously getting worse i see many of my friends who are employed are just restless the whole time they have to be ready to engage in work related calls or emails while they are off work and have a high level of anxiety about losing the job. It feels like a dead end road and it is scary to think of what could happen in case of a big collapse, and i feel like it will come one day. A fast devaluation in the dollar due to politics or crypto taking over would cause so much damage it could spark world wide problems like famines wars and much more. A lot of things can gonwrong in this system and they eventually will IMO. I dont have an alternative system in mind, i just think that we stopped advancing on this issue, and this can cause something so disruptive to civilization that it would force us to move forward from this system.
I think that this economic system that we live under is primitive and oppressive. Some people do not have the skills to make money. The current system suggests that we teach people to be employees to the boss. Well, the competition for jobs and unemployment means that these employees will always be overworked and underpaid. It is obviously getting worse i see many of my friends who are employed are just restless the whole time they have to be ready to engage in work related calls or emails while they are off work and have a high level of anxiety about losing the job. It feels like a dead end road and it is scary to think of what could happen in case of a big collapse, and i feel like it will come one day. A fast devaluation in the dollar due to politics or crypto taking over would cause so much damage it could spark world wide problems like famines wars and much more. A lot of things can gonwrong in this system and they eventually will IMO. I dont have an alternative system in mind, i just think that we stopped advancing on this issue, and this can cause something so disruptive to civilization that it would force us to move forward from this system.
Yeah but move forward into what???
This is a capitalist system, if you don't like this one, you REALLY won't like the other ones!!

I do agree with you though, in almost all you have said. What you describe is called life, and everybody has to live it and nobody gets outta here alive...

It seems Western nations are waivering right now. Every society goes through its processes, and we are going through ours right now. We can only hope and pray we are the same people when the dust settles.
I'm not sure it is really a capitalist system anymore. Not with the average (working) individual paying 75% of earnings to local, state and federal taxes. Not with government regulation for hire being the norm in the federal government and (almost) all state governments.

In a capitalist system property rights are inviolate. I used to think my government would protect those rights, but that just isn't the case anymore. We are a mercantilist system at best, but progressing rapidly toward a global hegemony.
Yeah but move forward into what???
This is a capitalist system, if you don't like this one, you REALLY won't like the other ones!!

I do agree with you though, in almost all you have said. What you describe is called life, and everybody has to live it and nobody gets outta here alive...

It seems Western nations are waivering right now. Every society goes through its processes, and we are going through ours right now. We can only hope and pray we are the same people when the dust settles.
I do not believe that the capitalist system is the best what humans can do. I don't have an alternative system. I just think that this one is primitive and oppressive.
We have idiots running and ruining our Country. Schools are turning out woke ass morons that can't do basic math. Can't write in cursive. Can't tell time on a Fking analog clock. Don't actually socialize in person anymore. Out of shape and couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Hate our Country and have no respect for anyone including their selves.
This Country is fked if we don't wake the fk up and pay attention. We have wars all around us because of a weak ass leaders and our economy is going to shit.
I love my job because I was taught work ethics and know how to rise above all the bullshit.
Most important thing in a person's life is his job. Without it you have no options and cant feed your family. Problem is nobody wants to fking work anymore except from home in their pajamas. They want to start from the top instead of working their way to the top. Everyone wants a Fking,,,I showed up trophy. There are plenty jobs out there. My Son just started a new job making over 80,000 a year. He didn't go to college. He worked his ass off in Construction and Maintenance to get where he is at.
And when I say wake up I don't fking mean WOKE fking snowflakes.
Look at our southern border,,,we don't fking have a border anymore. We are being invaded and nobody gives a shit and the ones that do are being persecuted by the idiots that are on a path of destruction. Rome is falling again and we are allowing it.
Rant over😋

Oh yeah,,today is Thursday and tomorrow is a holiday and I gets a 3 day weekend. Yehaaaaaaaaaa 😁
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Young people are self entitled and lazy in my opinion. They don’t know what hard work is.
I’m 35, and make good money as a diesel technician. I work with my hands, but nothing too hard. I grew up hand splitting firewood so I know hard work when I see it.
It took our shop YEARS to finally find some young 18-24 year olds that could hang with the job. And they still are much softer than my peers at the same age. There is a selfish attitude with most people that age, and honestly they don’t even realize it. On average, they were handed too much and didn’t earn enough when they were being raised. It’s the parents fault.
How many people trust the federal government??? Not many. But we all let the gov raise our kids. In many cases, 16 years of gov run schools. Pre K to 12 grade. Our wives work just to pay someone else to keep our kids in day care. They spend most time at school after that. You see your kids a handful of hours each day and that’s it.

Wife doesn’t work. And we are homeschooling our two. We take day trips to farms, aircraft museums, etc. my three year old is smarter than the average 7 year old in comparison.

We raise sheep, chickens and quail for food. Building a hog pen, and working on another fence for a steer. I see the modern world and I just don’t like it. Refuse to be a cog in the wheel.

The world is due for a reset, and the herd needs culling. It happens every now and then. History shows there has been more than one advanced society on earth. She’s an old gal, I am sure humans have wiped themselves out more than once. Right back to the cave man era, couple thousand years to climb back up.
We are our own worst enemies.
Life is what you make of it. American life is nothing but a government Psy-op. If you choose to believe in it, then you become part of the Psy-op and thats when you become miserable. Also get rid of smart phones. Worst invention in the history of mankind.
Young people are self entitled and lazy in my opinion. They don’t know what hard work is.
I’m 35, and make good money as a diesel technician. I work with my hands, but nothing too hard. I grew up hand splitting firewood so I know hard work when I see it.
It took our shop YEARS to finally find some young 18-24 year olds that could hang with the job. And they still are much softer than my peers at the same age. There is a selfish attitude with most people that age, and honestly they don’t even realize it. On average, they were handed too much and didn’t earn enough when they were being raised. It’s the parents fault.
How many people trust the federal government??? Not many. But we all let the gov raise our kids. In many cases, 16 years of gov run schools. Pre K to 12 grade. Our wives work just to pay someone else to keep our kids in day care. They spend most time at school after that. You see your kids a handful of hours each day and that’s it.

Wife doesn’t work. And we are homeschooling our two. We take day trips to farms, aircraft museums, etc. my three year old is smarter than the average 7 year old in comparison.

We raise sheep, chickens and quail for food. Building a hog pen, and working on another fence for a steer. I see the modern world and I just don’t like it. Refuse to be a cog in the wheel.

The world is due for a reset, and the herd needs culling. It happens every now and then. History shows there has been more than one advanced society on earth. She’s an old gal, I am sure humans have wiped themselves out more than once. Right back to the cave man era, couple thousand years to climb back up.
We are our own worst enemies.
My Wife was a mother and homemaker. My kids went to Charter Schools, Private schools, and home school,, so does my grandchildren. Fk public woke ass schools.
Pisses me off that I have to pay school taxes for public schools that we don't use nor would we. Teachers Unions have ruined schools and their curriculum.
I'm 68yrs old,,,working and drawing SS.
I will never stop working because I like options and SS won't give me that. Besides I actually like working. And I like the money.
I do look forward to my weekends and days off though. And today is a holiday for me.
Yehaaaaaaaaaa 🥰
I worked. My wife worked. It took two mules to pull the wagon. My daughter went to public schools. Pre school age, either my mother or mother in law watched her. She's now 34 and a hard working little shit. 12 hour days are nothing for her.
It's how ya raise 'em.
Well this was mostly my view until recently when everything went crumbling down in my country (not USA) and everyone lost their life savings. Since then i came to notice that what happened here is inevitable in such a system. You spend your life working for the penny and you are proud of it when i think that this is far from the best we can do as humans. A corrupt lowlife thug can buy the most prestigious and educated doctor. You think you are free but you have not tasted real freedom. It is one big pile of garbage and in the future i believe strongly that people will look at our age as the stone age.
Well this was mostly my view until recently when everything went crumbling down in my country (not USA) and everyone lost their life savings. Since then i came to notice that what happened here is inevitable in such a system. You spend your life working for the penny and you are proud of it when i think that this is far from the best we can do as humans. A corrupt lowlife thug can buy the most prestigious and educated doctor. You think you are free but you have not tasted real freedom. It is one big pile of garbage and in the future i believe strongly that people will look at our age as the stone age.
Where are you Zem Ven?
It's happening pretty much everywhere in Western societies these days. The most powerful are the most corrupt and the least rational. Don't know what will end up on top when the dust settles, but it won't be the defenders of liberty.
It's happening pretty much everywhere in Western societies these days. The most powerful are the most corrupt and the least rational. Don't know what will end up on top when the dust settles, but it won't be the defenders of liberty.
It is this point exactly that saddens me the most that the incentive and reward for getting money far surpasses any other value like betterment of humanity or contributing something great. The people who strive for power are not the best out there actually far from it. They specialize in capturing power. This is more attractive to psychopaths. I think that i came to realize how far behind we are globally from real happiness. I think that real happiness for humanity is achieved once we know that every human on this earth has basic rights no matter what. I am not talking about buying them iphones but knowing that hundreds of millions are loving in slums and not caring is a disgusting himan trait. Humans are mostly predictable, once they get rich they mostly buy a new house car boat yacht even private jets and towers. Even the ones that come out from the slums are like that. It is really like we need to evolve genetically to change this human trait so it will take a hundred tjousand years lol let us all just puff one big joint and prep for another day at work... cheers all

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