the standard 400w closet (NL, DP & Purple) oh my..

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yes sometime it is esay to want i big plant so most new growers think that by feeding the plants more or alot of food it will make them grow faster. when done right yes i will help but. you have to know where your ladys stand with the food your feeding them. take it easy on your frist 2 grows ubtil you can find how much you should feed them start off with 1/4 of the amount listed on the box. give them that every two 3 watering. and see what happens i hope this helps fam
that wasnt my logic i just thought it was time to feed when cotyledon's turned.. fed a 1/4 dose, fed some water, then another 1/4 dose.. then water, then a 1/2 dose fried them. They're still reeling a bit 10 days later. I'm kinda worried. I wasn't gonna update til February if I could help it. They aren't LOOKING ten days older then the last pics. Hopefully they're just still establishing a giant root system. I did go from 12oz pots to 3gallons.. either way there's not much going on - just trying not to let them die.

I'd give anything to have the color of my plants back to where it was 10 days ago.. none of them are the kind of green i like anymore except my big one :(
wow man hope they make it check that label on the nute pack man if it says it feeds for 2 weeks then no more till the 2 weeks is up i have a bit of that going on with mine now some getting a bit curled and looking bad but so long as the tops are green than you should be ok.
tops are green, but not keeping up with the growth on my healthy plant by any means whatsoever. I'll update soon
thestandard - My plants were similarly "stunted" at about the same age. I flushed the pots in the bath tub and then let the soil dry out a bit and then restarted my nutes. It seemed to give them quite a boost.

well i just cant be sad for some reason about my stunted plants, which are all still kinda meh. Flushed the two bad ones and waiting for results before I flush the two OKish ones.

One Durban Poison & NL not as raped by the nutes as the other three NL, I'll update sick pics later and you guys can tell me what to do lol.

i made a comparison pic of one that is the most sick and has been flushed next to one which was fed the same dose and is only stunted.

well that reason why i cant be sad isssss

:watchplant: :watchplant: female! :hubba: :hubba:

that's right, rescue operation number one - the plant that has made my closet smell like skunk since week two of veg.. is a FEMALE. idk if u can find anything.I assure you it is covered in teeny preflowers and is vibrant green. The tips of some of the leaves have a slight yellowish, I'm freaked out to start feeding it again.. I guess I'll go for it w/ a 1/4 dose on it next time it needs water..

it's weird. my pics make the sick plants look not as bad and don't do my baby girl justice :cool: :rolleyes:
So, have they perked up after the flush? Mine looked a lot better within 24 hours.

Congrats on the little lady! :bongin:
BenDover said:
So, have they perked up after the flush? Mine looked a lot better within 24 hours.

Congrats on the little lady! :bongin:

no not really it's all continued. I've even noticed some spots on the green up top and baby leaves. I'm leaning towards flushing the ones that are only stuned before it gets worse.:holysheep:
They look like they are in need of water from the pics. How often you water and how do you do it?
that's why they r drooping and getting unhappy... you are drowning them. in 3 gallon pots, with plants that size, you shouldn't be having to water for like a week at a time. lay off on the watering. that is also why they r getting stunted. too much water. if you need to, get an empty pot of the same size and fill it full of dirt, but don't water it - this will give you an idea of how light the pot should be when dry.
A quote from the "Grower's Bible"...

"Irrigate soil and soiless mixes when they are dry one-half inch below the surface."

I hope this may help you. Over/under watering can cause a host of problems, and it looks like you have one.

If you have root rot, the roots are actually decomposing naturaly through fungus and mold growing due to the moisture levels in the soil. Causing the important microscopic root hairs to be devowered by the rot, and therefor not able to consume water.

If underwatering the roots simply dry out and die.

Tip from Laylow:

If you water your plant and the water beads on top of the soil, it might be because you aint watering enough. If you have knats and algea on top of soil, might be a bit too wet, a bit to long.
i was incorrect when i answered that question about how much i water. I have a few 2 gallon jugs of plain water i use to refill a 1/2 liter water bottle which I split between two plants.. so about 1/4 liter per plant every 2 days or so. The soil is normally dry on the top 1/2 inch about 4-6 hours after I water then I can stick my whole pinky down about two-three inches for water is when I think I need to water again.

my bad sry

Think I should flush the stunted DP & NL? They aren't snappin out of it

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