The Person Below Me (Off topic game)

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false! always hated

The person below me has garlic breath.
False, though there's a faint smell of pickled ginger.. mmm sushi.

The person below me lives on their own?
True..well my hubby supports us..

The person below me has tummy issues tonight.
False i just emptied it so no issues ;)

The person below me is seeing snow falling outside their window.
False, though a few inches fell today

The person below me enjoys walking, even in the cold winter
True, just had to change my tire.

The person below me prefers pie over cake.
False, it's iight.

The person below me has seen a shooting star.
False, have dual processor pc and laptop

The person below me got no valentines card
True, just a plan old myspace comment. Can you believe that crap!

The person below me is in a relationship.
True..happily married. :)

The person below me buys themselves their own Valentine treat. ;)

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