The Person Below Me (Off topic game)

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True.... i should get right on that!

the person below me is in there skivvies.............
allgrownup said:
True.... i should get right on that!

the person below me is in there skivvies.............
False. Still wearing pants. I have a roomate that likes it in the 60s when she goes to bed.

However, the person below me's favorite sport is hockey.
False... hockey can shrivel up and die.

The Person Below Me blow dries their hair every day.

False, I use a towel that does me fine :).

The person below me likes Rush :D.
true...but he does sound like a girl.

the person below me has over eaten again!
True alwas

The person below me should roll a blunt of some boom digity......
False...if I had it to roll then I would. :p

The person below me squints in the sun.
False I got my shades on....:cool:

The prson below me drives a Ford...
False, I drive a Chevy.

The person below me has never seen the ocean.
This is true:(. One day day.

The person below me has a minor case of OCD?
False I love trees

The person below me takes a cab to work twice a week
:hubba: false my boss picks me up:D
The person below me went to bed with a itchy butt and woke up with a stinky finger lol:D
well let me smell first....false,smells just like weed still.

The person below me is wondering we dont open the Alaskan pipe line to help bring down the demand of foreign oil.
False...I am sad to say I don't even know what that is. :p

The person below me thinks Marijuana Passion is the best site on the net!
False- because President Bush is ******* the oil into his Pocket

Person below me has a BIG Zit on his Nose
SmokinMom said:
False...I am sad to say I don't even know what that is. :p

The person below me thinks Marijuana Passion is the best site on the net!

TRUE it the best place for info

The person below me don't under stand anything:D
True. I don't understand a thing about my MOTHER. She frusterates me to no end. :(

The person below me is still in their pajammas. :)
Nope just got ready for the day!

The person below picks his or her nose now and then
Absolutely true. Anything that's not supposed to be in there will irritate me and drive me crazy...especially dog hairs.

The person below me is going to a Dr. appt this week.

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